| ![]() MIL-T-62110G Cable guards. Two hinged cable roller guards shall be furnished on top of the
derrick boom, one near the front, the other near the rear. The guards shall retain the cable and
allow up and down movement of the cable. Rollers shall be furnished above and below the
3.10 Derrick controls. A complete set of hand-operated controls for the hydraulic turret,
derrick assembly, winch, digger, and pole grabber shall be provided. All gages, controls, and
switches furnished shall be mounted to resist shock and shall be weatherproof. The centerline of
the controls shall be at least 4 inches apart. The controls shall be self-centering and shall revert
to a neutral position when released by the operator. A safety interlock system shall be provided
to prevent operation of the derrick assembly when the outriggers are not extended. A means
shall be provided to retract the derrick assembly and rotate the turret into stowage position, and
retract the outriggers in the event of hydraulic failure. The switches, instruments, and pressure
gages on the control station shall be panel mounted and identified as to their function and
installed in a manner to facilitate removal and servicing. Gages and instruments shall be
provided and shall be waterproof and weatherproof. Identification markings shall be on
photo-etched, corrosion-resistant metal plates. At least the following gages and controls shall be
furnished on the console or the dual controls for type I, on the console for type III, and in the left
rear compartment control cabinet for type II:
Key-operated 3-wire, remotely operated start and stop switch
Foot operated engine throttle
Tachometer for each control location
Dash light(s) with rotating shields and toggle switch to illuminate control panels
Pressure and temperature gages for the hydraulic system
Restricted return line filter warning light.
3.10.1 Controls on rotating turret, type I and type III. Unless dual side controls are
specified for type I (see 3.10.2), controls for type I and type III shall be furnished on a control
console on the rotating derrick. An operator's seat shall be furnished. Access to the control
console shall be provided as specified in The control console shall be weatherproof.
The operator's platform shall be furnished with safety tread steel plate or grating. A
weatherproof cover shall be provided to cover the controls. Means shall be provided to retain the
3.10.2 Dual side controls, type I. When specified (see 6.2), dual controls for type I shall
be provided on each side of the turret. The controls shall be identified as to their function. The
identification plates shall be located at the controls. Access to controls shall be provided as
specified in The control panels shall be weatherproof. The operator's platform shall be
furnished with safety tread steel plate or grating. A weatherproof cover shall be provided to
cover the controls. Means shall be provided to retain the cover.
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