| ![]() MIL-T-62110G
6.50 to 7 feet long and shall have a fiberglass type of body to provide good insulation. The saw
shall have a 44-tooth blade. A suitable stowage area in the body shall be provided.
3.14.5 Basket hydraulic impact wrench and drill. When specified (see 6.2), a hydraulic
impact wrench and drill shall be furnished. This combination tool shall be reversible and capable
of installing and removing lag screws and other hardware. The wrench shall have a
0.6250 standard bolt size capacity with a 0.50 inch square drive. The tool shall be capable of
developing not less than 200 foot-pounds of torque with at least 1,350 impacts per minute and
shall be equipped with a torque regulating device. A quick change drill chuck shall be furnished.
Quick-disconnect, dripless fittings shall be provided. A suitable stowage area in the body shall
be provided.
3.14.6 Basket hydraulic pruner, pole mounted. When specified (see 6.2), a hydraulic
pruner, pole mounted, shall be furnished. The pruner shall be equipped with quick-disconnect,
dripless fittings. The pruner shall have a capacity of 2 inches in diameter. It shall be mounted
on a fiberglass type pole to provide insulation and shall be approximately 7 feet long. A suitable
stowage area in the body shall be provided.
3.15 Auxiliary engine driven air compressor. When specified (see 6.2), an auxiliary
engine driven air compressor shall be furnished.
3.15.1 Auxiliary engine. An auxiliary air cooled engine shall be provided to drive the
compressor. The auxiliary engine shall be a two or four-cycle diesel engine on a truck chassis
with a diesel engine or a four-cycle gasoline engine on a truck chassis with a gasoline engine.
The engine shall be mounted on the body platform in conjunction with the air compressor. The
mounting shall minimize transfer of vibration. During normal operating conditions, the
continuous-duty horsepower output required by all components and accessories driven by the
engine shall not exceed 75 percent of the full throttle rating of the engine. The size and weight
of the engine assembly shall be held to a minimum consistent with the performance requirements
specified herein. When a gasoline engine is furnished it shall be capable of warranted operation
on unleaded fuel. Engine components. The auxiliary engine shall be equipped with at least the
following components:
Magneto or distributor type ignition (gasoline engine only)
Self-starter, 12-volt
Resistor-type spark plugs (gasoline engine only)
Air cleaner
Choke (gasoline engine only)
When power plant heaters are specified (see, a 300-watt immersion type
heater with 170F to 195F thermostat shall be installed in the oil pan through any
convenient opening
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