| ![]() MIL-T-62145E
3.6.5 Stake pockets. Stake pockets shall be furnished and shall be of the protruding type,
providing drainage. The pockets shall be located inside the rub rail. The pockets shall be
welded to the rub rail and the body.
3.6.6 Side racks. There shall be not less than three removable rack sections on the curbside
and not less than three removable rack sections on the streetside. Racks shall be equipped with
steel fasteners. Body hardware attaching bolts shall be not less than 2 inches from the ends of
rack slats. Upright posts shall be steel sections. Rack slats shall be of oak, hickory, maple, or
ash of not less than 25/32 inch finished thickness. Width of individual slats shall be
manufacturer's standard, providing that the total of slat widths is not less than 60 percent of the
total rack height. There shall be not less than four slats per rack. Slat edges shall be beveled.
End corners shall have the top and bottom of the slat ends rounded with not less than 1/2-inch
minimum radii. Slats shall be riveted or bolted to the inside (load side) of the upright posts, with
rivet or bolt heads against the slat. Each side rack section at the rear of the body shall be
provided with at least one draw-down type fastening, equipped with a locking nut, to secure the
racks in place. The upright posts shall fit the stake pockets with a clearance not to exceed
3/16 inch.
3.6.7 Roof bows. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), roof bows shall be provided. Roof
bows shall be spaced on not less than 20-inch and not more than 30 inch centers. Roof bow
sockets shall be provided on the outside of the rack assemblies. The sockets shall accept a roof
bow having a cross sectional dimension of 1 inch by 2-1/2 inches. Sockets shall be provided
with a bow stop and drainage shall be provided. Tie-down devices for securing the bows shall be
furnished. The height of the loadspace, measured at the longitudinal centerline from the floor to
the roof bow, shall be not less than 88 inches. The edges of the roof bows shall be blended and
smooth to preclude abrasion of the tarpaulin.
* 3.6.8 Tarpaulin. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), a tarpaulin shall be furnished. The
tarpaulin and curtains shall be similar in color to the exterior color of the vehicle. The tarpaulin
shall enclose the body and shall reach the floor level with the bows in place. The tarpaulin shall
have reinforced corners, eyelets, and reinforcements over each bow to withstand chafing. The
tarpaulin shall be fabricated of number 8 cotton duck conforming to type I of CCC-C-419, or of
vinyl coated nylon conforming to type II, class 2 of MIL-C-20696. The material shall be water
repellant and fire-resistant. The rear curtain shall be of the roll-up type. The front curtain shall
have a window which shall be not less than 12 inches by 24 inches in size and shall aline with
the front bulkhead window and the rear window of the vehicle cab. Tarpaulin tie-down devices
shall be provided on the same centers as the roof bows.
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