| ![]() MIL-T-62357A
3.6 Tank body and equipment. The trailer shall be designed and constructed to meet the
requirements of DOT Safety Regulation 178.345 for material, structural integrity, joints, supports
and anchoring, circumferential reinforcement and minimum thickness, except in no case shall the
minimum thickness of any part of the tank be less than 12 gage (0.1046 inch). Minimum
thickness requirements shall be based on a product density of 8.3 pounds per gallon. The type II
trailer shall be designed and constructed for the legal transportation of liquid hazardous materials
by interstate carriers. Accordingly, the vehicle shall conform in all respects to the regulations of
DOT governing the transportation of hazardous materials in tank motor vehicles. Conformance
to DOT Safety Regulation 178.345 and DOT Safety Regulation 178.346, as published in the
latest issues of the Code of Federal Regulations and as modified by all issues of the Federal
Register published and in effect prior to completion of the vehicle, shall be total and without
3.6.1 Material. The tank shell, baffles, bulkheads, pads, manholes and outlets shall be of type
304 stainless steel. The thickness of the shell, head and baffle sheets shall be not less than 12 gage
(0.1046 inch) stainless steel. Tank combinations of mild steel, high strength low alloy steel and
austenitic stainless steel, as permitted by DOT Safety Regulation 178.345, shall not be furnished.
All piping, pipe fittings, valves, faucets, vents, strainers, hose fittings, reducers, hose adapters,
dust caps, dust plugs, and dust cap and dust plug security chains (a) shall be of stainless steel
(brass faucets may be furnished) and shall conform to for type I or (b) shall be constructed
of or plated with corrosion-resistant material for type II. Where dissimilar metals are permitted
and used, effective means shall be taken to impede electrolytic action. Teflon packing and tape
shall not be used on or adjacent to parts with an aluminum content.
3.6.2 Capacity. The liquid capacity of the tank shall be not less than 500 gallons, plus at least
3 percent expansion space by volume. The tank shall have a single compartment.
3.6.3 Tank configuration. The tank shall have an elliptical, circular or modified rectangular
or modified rectangular section.
* 3.6.4 Baffles. Where the provisions of DOT Safety Regulation 178.345 would require
circumferential reinforcements., baffles shall be used in lieu of ring stiffeners. Baffles shall be
flanged and dished; or flat, reinforced and flanged. A half round opening of not less than
3.375 inch radius shall be provided at the bottom of each baffle. Openings of equivalent size shall
be provided at the top of the baffles and at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions in the baffles.
Each baffle shall also be provided with not less than an 18-inch diameter manway opening. The
edges of the manway openings shall have a flange of approximately 1 inch.
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