| ![]() MIL-T-62357A
3.6.5 Tank support. Full length box-type, V-type or Z-type longitudinal subframe members
shall be furnished. Full length welding pads of not less than 12 gage (0.1046 inch) type 304
stainless steel shall extend not less than 1 inch beyond the flange on the longitudinal subframe
members and shall be continuously welded to the tank proper. Box-type longitudinals. Box-type longitudinal subframe members shall be fabricated
of not less than 12 gage (0.1046 inch) mild steel. A flange of not less than 1 inch wide shall be
provided at the top of both the outer and inner vertical legs of the boxes. Flanges shall be
continuously welded to the pads the full length of the tank. V-type 1ongitudinals. V-type longitudinal subframe members shall be fabricated with
not less than 7 gage (0.1793 inch) mild steel inner and outer legs. A flange not less than
inch wide shall be provided at the top of both the inner and outer legs. Flanges shall be
continuously welded to the pads the full length of the tank. Z-type longitudinals. Z-type longitudinal subframe members shall be fabricated
entirely of not less than 7 gage (0.1793 inch) mild steel. The width of the upper Z member shall
be not less than 2 inches and shall be continuously welded to the pads the full length of the tank
along both sides of the Z. With the Z-type construction, additional type 304 stainless steel pads
shall be continuously welded to the tank proper at the front and rear and at each baffle. Bolsters
of 0.188 inch mild steel shall be properly integrated with the Z-type longitudinals and
continuously welded to the pads at the front and rear and at each baffle.
* 3.6.6 Manhole. The tank shall be equipped with a round or oval manhole opening not less
than 19 inches in major diameter. The manhole sides and lip shall be constructed of stainless steel
having a carbon content of not more than type 304 sheet steel. A light weight, liquid-tight, easy
opening, self-latching manhole cover, or a bolted cover with a liquid-tight, easy opening, self-
latching fill cover not less than 10 inches in diameter, shall be supplied. All metal parts of the
cover exposed to contact with liquids in the tank shall be fabricated of type 304 stainless steel.
Hinged covers shall be hinged at the forward edge. The manhole shall be located longitudinally
on the tank such that the center of the manhole shall be forward of the center of the tank and shall
be accessible from the top of the (front) fenders.
3.6.7 Capacity marker (type II). On type II trailer, a capacity marker or indicator disc of
corrosion resistant construction shall be installed at the side of the manhole.
3.6.8 Vents. Air vents shall be provided to allow for expansion of the specified liquid in the
tank and for discharging the tank at maximum rate with all faucets open and the manhole and fill
cover sealed. Vents shall be adequate to limit the tank pressure and vacuum under these
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