| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
4.1.2 Inspection equipment. Unless otherwise specified in the contract (see 6.2), the
contractor is responsible for the provision and maintenance of all inspection equipment necessary
to assure that supplies and services conform to contract requirements. Inspection equipment
must be capable of repetitive measurements to an accuracy of 10 percent of the measurement
tolerance. Calibration of inspection equipment shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-45662.
4.1.3 Government verification. All quality assurance operations performed by the contractor
shall be subject to Government verification at unscheduled intervals. Verification shall consist
of (a) surveillance of the operation to determine that practices, methods, and procedures of the
written quality assurance system plan are being properly applied, and (b) Government product
inspection to measure the quality of the product offered for acceptance. Deviation from the
prescribed or agreed upon procedure, or instances of poor practices which might have an adverse
effect upon quality of the product, will immediately be called to the attention of the contractor.
Failure of the contractor to promptly correct deficiencies shall be cause for suspension of
acceptance until corrective action has been made, or until the conformance of the product to
prescribed criteria has been demonstrated.
4.1.4 Qualified products. When a part or component is specified to conform to a
specification having a Qualified Products List (QPL), the contractor shall make available to the
Government documentation of item acquisition from such QPL. The documentation shall
include the QPL date and identification of the supplier, purchase order, and quantity.
4.1.5 Quality assurance provisions. In the conduct of inspection, the contractor shall adhere
to Quality Assurance Provisions (QAP) and General Quality Assurance Provision
(STA Form 458) as applicable and as required by the documents forming part of this
4.1.6 Certification. Where certification (see 4.3) is required, the contractor shall verify that
material or components conform to a specification. Classification of inspection:
a. First article inspection (see 4.1.7).
1. First production vehicle inspection (FPVI) (see 4.1.8).
2. Initial production test (IPT) (see 4.1.9).
b. Quality conformance inspections (QCI) (see 4.1.11).
c. Control tests (see 4.1.14).
d. Comparison tests (see 4.1.15).
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