| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
4.1.7 First article inspection. First article inspection shall be performed on the first
production vehicle and on additional vehicle(s), [randomly selected from ______,] which shall
be designated as initial production vehicle(s). Approval of the first article vehicles shall not
relieve the contractor of the obligation to supply vehicles that are fully representative of those
inspected as a first article sample. Any change or deviation of production vehicles from the first
article sample shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer.
4.1.8 First production vehicle inspection (FPVI). In-process inspection. During fabrication of the first production vehicle of each
model, an in-process inspection will be conducted by the Government to evaluate conformance
of materials and workmanship to requirements of specified documents. These inspections will
be made at the contractor's or subcontractor's facility prior to the application of primer and paint.
Processing and welding procedures, quality control system and inspection records will be
reviewed and evaluated during this inspection. Completed first production vehicle inspection. The first production vehicle of each
model shall be road tested and completely inspected by the contractor for conformance to
contract and purchase description requirements. Upon completion the contractor shall submit the
vehicle (and make available all inspection records and certifications) to the responsible
Government (DCAS) inspection element at the contractor's facility for preliminary inspection. Preliminary inspection. The completed first production vehicle of each model will
receive a preliminary inspection by the responsible Government (DCAS) inspection element.
The preliminary inspection will be complete except for road test requirements which will be
conducted jointly during a provisional inspection by representatives of the Government as
specified in Provisional inspection and acceptance. The first completed production vehicle of
each model will be subjected to provisional inspection at the contractor's facilities by
representative(s) of the Government. The inspection will be conducted to determine
conformance to all contractual requirements. The contractor shall provide any inspection
assistance as may be required. During this inspection, the contractor shall make available his
inspection plan, inspection records and certifications pertinent to the vehicle and components.
This inspection will include a road test of a minimum of ______ kilometers with payload. Repair of defects. Defects found as a result of foregoing inspection shall be
corrected by the contractor at no cost to the Government. Failure of the contractor to promptly
correct defects shall be cause for suspension of acceptance of vehicles until corrective action has
been accomplished.
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