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MIL-T-62531(AT) Vehicle disposition. Upon completion of inspection and acceptance of the first
production vehicle of each model, the vehicle(s) shall remain at the manufacturing facility as a
production standard but is not to be considered as a basis for acceptance of future vehicles. At
the discretion of the Government, the vehicle may be released for shipment as part of the
contract quantity. Final approval and acceptance. Final approval and acceptance by the Government of
the first production vehicle of a specific model will be withheld until the initial production
testing specified in 4.1.9 has been completed and a final determination has been made regarding
conformity of the vehicle to contractual requirements, including, but not limited to, workmanship
and materials.
4.1.9 Initial production test. To determine conformance to section 3 (inclusive), a quantity
of vehicles specified in the contract will be selected by the Government for test. The selected
vehicle(s) will be subjected to a test of ______ or ______ kilometers as specified in tables III,
IV, or V and all tests specified in table II at the sites approved by the Government. These tests
will be performed by the Government. The contractor shall preposition on test site(s) a
maintenance test support package for each vehicle to be tested. This shall include all anticipated
wear-out and service parts for the ______ or ______ kilometer test. The list shall be approved
by the Government. The contractor shall also expeditiously furnish additional repair parts, as
required to support the test. The contractor is liable for cost of parts that fail as a result of
defects as to materials or workmanship nature. Delays caused by vehicle break-down due to
poor quality of workmanship or material; failure of the contractor to adequately support the
vehicle with spare parts during test; or failure of the contractor to comply with purchase
description or drawing requirements; shall not be basis for adjustment of the contract delivery
schedule or the contract price. Initial production testing will require approximately ______ days
per vehicle to complete ______ kilometer test, and _____ days per vehicle for ______ kilometer
NOTE: ______ percent of the mileage specified for each course shall be performed with
payload. The remaining ______ percent of the mileage shall be performed without payload.
Trailed loads for vehicles shall be towed ______ percent of each course. Payloads for truck
tractors (on semitrailer) may be utilized for the tests, with determination to be made by the
Government as to proper weight distribution and type of payloads.
4.1.10 Deficiencies. Unresolved failures or deficiencies during, or as a result of, first article
inspection shall be cause for rejection of the vehicles until evidence has been provided by the
contractor that corrective action has been taken to eliminate the deficiency. Any deficiency
found during or as a result of the IPT shall be evidence that all vehicles already accepted prior to
completion of the IPT are similarly deficient unless contrary evidence, satisfactory to the
contracting officer, is furnished by the contractor. Such deficiencies on all vehicles shall be
corrected by the contractor.

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