| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
Insert the required deep water fording data in the blank space provided. To preclude damage
to the vehicle, it is imperative that the deep water fording kit be properly installed. Connections
must be properly fitted and clamping devices securely tightened.
Lessons Learned Deep water fording test. With deep water fording kit installed, the vehicle shall
operate normally on land or in water to a depth of ______ mm, for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Vehicle shall meet all performance requirements of At the conclusion of test,
examination for contamination shall be conducted as in 4.7.3.
Verification Rationale
Same as that stated in 4.7.3.
Verification Guidance
Same as that stated in 4.7.3.
Verification Lessons Learned
3.7.4 Gradeability. The vehicle shall demonstrate gradeability operations on prepared
grades having the minimum percentage specified without stalling, slipping, overheating, or
upsetting. The vehicle while transporting its payload, with and without towed load, shall ascend
the specified grades at the speeds indicated, and shall transverse side slopes in two directions.
As a result of this operation there shall be no evidence of faulty lubrication, leakage or other
malfunction. The engine shall perform satisfactorily during all of the operations specified with
the oil level at the full and at the add level conditions as indicated on the dipstick.
Gradeability is the measure of the vehicle ability to negotiate hilly off-road grades in a
manner that permits timely accomplishment of mission within the limits of its design. It is of
paramount importance to any mission that support equipment function to expectation without
damage or unstable operating conditions that would delay, prevent or otherwise jeopardize
successful accomplishment of the mission.
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