| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
Vehicles shall be designed for optimum center of gravity and weight distribution keeping in
mind the necessary ground clearance for off-road use. The center of gravity must be as low as
possible to enhance stability on sharp turns and on side slopes. The drive train shall be of
adequate size, strength and harmonious compatibility to successfully complete mission
Lessons Learned
4.7.4 Grade and slope operation. To determine conformance to grade and slope operation as
specified in 3.7.4,,, and, vehicle shall be loaded and operated as specified.
During operation on slopes and grades, any evidence of stalling, slipping, overheating or
upsetting will be cause for rejection. During specified test, the engine shall be shut-off and
restarted a minimum of two times in each direction, with a minimum of two minutes during
shutdown, except that no shutdown will be performed on the two percent ascent grade. Oil
pressure shall be carefully observed during test. If pressure falls below the minimum pressure
indicated for safe operation, test shall be aborted. Any evidence of faulty lubrication, cooling,
fuel supply, leakage, or other malfunction during or following tests, shall be cause for rejection.
Verification Rationale
Certain levels of performance have been established for support equipment as being essential
to the successful accomplishment of military missions. They are based upon experience with
support equipment worldwide and under every conceivable environment during both peacetime
and wartime operations. To ensure adequate field performance, these standards for testing
mobile support equipments have been established based on analyses of conditions likely to be
encountered throughout their service life. Insofar as possible, the tests reflect concentrated
operations based on the permise that a large percent of time will be spent on improved and
unimproved surfaces.
Verification Guidance
The specified mobility tests are minimum standards. Any deviations from these tests must be
supported by sound engineering principles and approved by the acquisition activity.
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