| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
Parking brakes may be interconnected with service brakes, e.g. connected to the same brake
shoes or it may provide a clamping action on the drive shaft or transmission output shaft.
Depending on the braking energy required, parking brake control may be actuated by various
means, e.g. hand levers and foot pedals. The emergency brake system shall be able to stop the
vehicle and be capable of being modulated by the service brake control and shall include a means
of providing adequate stopping in the event of a trailer breakaway.
Lessons Learned
Inadequate braking system will result in damage to equipment and injury or death to
4.7.5 Braking ability. To determine conformance to 3.7.5, and provide verification of
braking ability. The vehicle shall be inspected to determine compliance with part drawing and
specification requirements. Service brake tests shall be conducted on smooth dry concrete or
macadam surface that is free of loose material. Parking brake tests shall be conducted on up and
down grades as specified above. The vehicle shall be loaded with specified payloads and driven
at the minimum specified speeds. Upon application of the brakes the vehicle shall come to a
complete stop within the specified stopping distance. The brake test shall be repeated for
40 consecutive stops. The service brake operations shall be smooth and uniform and locking up
(skidding) of vehicle wheels shall be avoided.
Verification Rationale
Insofar as safety is concerned, there is perhaps no single feature more important than the
service brakes to control and prevent injury and accidents during vehicle operation. The brakes
must be capable of maintaining safe vehicular control in all braking situations, including panic
stops, and must deliver the required performance over repeated applications when required. The
emergency brakes should be able to stop the vehicle with use of the service brake control.
Verification Guidelines
Safety necessitates a need for thorough testing of service and parking brakes to ensure their
effectiveness and dependability. Ambient temperatures can have an effect on braking, therefore
brake tests should be conducted at ambient temperatures between 5 degrees Celsius (C) and
Verification Lessons Learned
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