| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
Lessons Learned
The most common error made by inexperienced designers of military equipment is their
underestimation of the military environment, or their assumption that the operating environments
of commercial and military vehicles are comparable. This misunderstanding of the military
environment is brought to light by those who contend that some of the specified mobility tests
are destructive by nature and do not truly represent conditions to which the equipment will be
exposed in service. In reality, military equipment is often subjected to emergency operations by
persons under severe stress that prevents all of the precautions needed to ensure that the
equipment is always operated within its design limits. It is therefore difficult, if not impossible,
to exactly duplicate all of the conditions to which an individual item of military support
equipment will be exposed throughout its service life. Not unlike the commercial automotive
industry, military vehicles are tested on worst case bumpy surfaces to determine if individual
structural and suspension components will combine to yield an acceptable service life.
Experience has shown that equipment designed to withstand the specified mobility tests have a
high probability of performing satisfactorily in service. The opposite is true of equipment not
designed for, nor subjected to these tests.
3.7.5 Braking ability. The vehicle, fully equipped and loaded with rated payload and towed
load, shall be decelerated, held, and controlled by use of the service brakes, under the conditions
specified. Road surface shall be smooth, dry concrete. Application of service brakes shall stop,
hold and control the vehicle when ascending and descending 60 percent grades. On relatively
level roadway, application of service brakes shall bring the vehicle to a complete stop, from a
speed of ______ km/h, within ______ m, measured from point of brake application. Application
of the hand brake shall hold vehicle motionless on a dry concrete 40 percent grade, when headed
up and down grade, with rated payload less towed load. The vehicle braking system will be
designed to meet all the performance and configuration requirements of FMVSS 105 or 121,
whichever is appropriate for the type of brake system installed in addition to the requirements
stated herein.
Service brakes shall be adequate to bring a fully loaded vehicle to a complete stop within the
specified distance from the point of application while traveling at the speed indicated. The
vehicle shall stop without losing stability, overturning or swerving out of a 3.7 meter wide
roadway lane. The brakes shall stop the vehicle without any unusual performance such as
grabbing, noise characteristics, wheel skid or uncontrollable braking action. Parking brakes shall
be adequate to hold the vehicle when it is loaded with its rated payload while headed up or down
the specified grade in accordance with MIL-STD-1180. The parking brake shall hold the vehicle
motionless while on grades for loading or unloading during off road mission support activities.
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