| ![]() MIL-T-63533(AR) Rain. Method 506.1, Procedure I, of M1L-STD-810 shall
apply. During each 30 minute rain period, the wind shall be
maintained for not less than 15 minutes commencing 5 minutes after
the start of the period as specified in the procedures. The
equipment shall be operated during the last 30 minutes of the 30-
minute period. EMC tests. The subsystem shall be installed in
laboratory test fixtures in a manner that will simulate actual
service usage and tested to MIL-STD-461, Methods CEO1, CE02, CE03,
CE04, CE05, CSO1, CS02, CS06, RE02, RE02.1, RSO1 and RS03.1.
4.5.3 Proof test (first article inspection only). When
specified in the contract (see 6.2) two (2) UTS'S shall be
forwarded to the site specified by the contracting agency and
assembled to an accepted modernized COBRA Helicopter AH-IS. The
UTS shall be tested for compliance with 4.5.1 and the applicable
specification requirements of boresighting and reliability. The
UTS shall function in accordance to the intent of the design and
with no evidence of malfunction and satisfactory to the procuring
agency. All test results shall be forwarded in accordance with 6.4.
4.6 Interchangeability testing.
4.6.1 Universal Turret Subassembly (UTS). A sample of 2
UTS'S, randomly selected, shall be tested for interchangeability
using the test method specified in 4.6.3. UTS's taken for
interchangeability testing shall have been found satisfactory in
all other examinations and tests. The UTS's shall comply with
the applicable specification functioning tests of 4.5.1, before and
after the interchange of parts. It shall be the responsibility of
the agency responsible for the test to inform the contracting
officer by letter or other methods satisfactory to the contracting
officer, when selective assembly has become necessary. Statement
shall contain as a minimum, the-contractor's name and FSCM, contract
number, parts involved in the selective fit, conditions of parts
and rationale for action taken. No hand refinement of parts shall
be permissible without approval by the contracting officer. No
malfunctions shall be allowed in the functioning tests. Failure of
UTS in the interchangeability test shall cause retest or rejection
of the first article. At the discretion of the Government repre-
sentative, an interchangeability retest may be allowed. Failure
during the retest shall cause rejection of the first article. A
sample of 4 UTS'S from each retest shall be tested using the same
procedure described below.
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