| ![]() MIL-T-63534(AR)
The polarity of the output voltage shall be negative when theJ1-M input
voltage is in phase with the 26 Vac voltage on Pin J2-L. The maximum ripple
shall be 250 mV peak to peak on the voltage output at Pin J2-D with 1.0 Vrms
input on Pin J1-M. A filter with a time constant of 4.3ms (+20 percent)
shall be included in the test set to provide smoothing of the-voltage measured
at Pin J2-D. With an input of 10.0 Vrms at Pin J3-J and an input of 5.0 Vrms
or more at Pin J1-M, the output at Pin J2-D shall be 3.5 (+1.5) Vdc or -3.5
(+1.5) Vdc.
3.6.1 .2.2 Elevation Preamplifier and Demodulator-Action Mode. With 26.5
(+5) Vdc applied to the action relay control voltage input, Pin J1-K, and zero
Vdc on the fixed forward mode select input, Pin J2-U, the elevation demodulator
ouput voltage, at Pin J2-P, shall be a function of the signal elevation error
400 HZ signal voltage between dc PinJ1-B and PinJ1-C (signal return). The
slope of the gain function relating voltage input at Pin J1-B to the dc output
at J2-P shall be 1.7 Vdc per Vrms up to .7 Vrms. The maximum ripple shall be
250mV peak to peak on the voltage output at Pin J2-P with an input of 1.0
Vrms at J1-B. A filter with a time constant of 4.0 ms (+20 percent) shall be
included in the test set to provide smoothing of the voltage measured at Pin
J2-P. The polarity of the output voltage shall be positive when the error
input signal is in phase with the 400 Hz voltage on Pin J2-L. For input
voltages at Pin J1-B of 5.0 Vrms or more, the voltage output at Pin J2-P shall
be 3.5 (1.5) Vdc or-3.5 (1.5) Vdc.
3.6.1 .2.3 Azimuth preaplifier and demodulator-Fixed Mode/Adjustments.
With 26.5 (+5)Vdc applied to Pin J2-U and J1-k, the demodulator output
voltages on_Pin J2-D shall be a function of the Sin Az COS EL input voltage
input on Pin J3-G and the setting of the azimuth stow adjustment potentiometer
(accessible through a hole in the assembly cover). The gain characteristics
shall be modified by input voltage levels on Pin J3-J with the same gain
values specified in Table IV. The stow potentiometer shall have an adjustment
range such that the output at Pin J2-D can be varied from a minimum of +0.8
Vdc to a maximum of +1.5 Vdc when the voltage at Pin J3-G is zero Vrms and the
voltage at Pin J3-J is 10 Vrms.
3.6.1 .2.4 Elevation preamplifier and demodulator-Fixed Mode/Adjustments.
With 26.5 (+5)Vdc applied in Pin J2-U and Pin J1-K, the dc VOltage output at
Pin J2-P shall be a function of the sin EL as voltage input at Pin J3-D and
the setting of the elevation stow potentiometer (accessible through hole in
the assembly cover). The slope of the gain function relating voltage at Pin
J3-D and Pin J2-P shall be 1.7 Vdc per Vrms for ac input voltages up to 0.7 V
based on the average at J2-P of both polarities, polarity depending on whether
the input voltage at J3-D is in phase or 180 degrees out of phase with the
power voltage at J2-L. The elevation stow potentiometer shall have an
adjustment range from minimum of 0.7 Vdc to a maximum of 1.3 Vdc at Pin J2-P
when the input at J3-D is zero.
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