| ![]() MIL-T-63536(AR) VXsignal, in-phase and low voltage. Using the conditions and
inputs defined in the specified requirements for coincidence sensor component
assembly, fixed forward mode, and the VX signal, in-phase and low voltage,
verify the outputs specified in a and b of this last requirement. Vxout-of-phase. Using the conditions and inputs defined in
the specified requirements for coincidence sensor component assembly, fixed
forward mode, and Vx out-of-phase, verify that the outputs specified in the
requirements of gunner Q-signal, out-of-phase occur during the out-of-phase
condition. Low voltage on + 18 V supplies. Using the conditions and inputs
defined in the specified requirements for coincidence sensor component
assembly, fixed forward mode, and low voltage on 18V supplies, verify that
the output voltage at Pin J1-L does not change. Elapsed time meter. Verify that the elapsed time meter advances
one hour when the power to the LCU has been applied for one hour. Workmanship. The requirements of workmanship shall be verified
by continuous inspection of all parts and assemblies to assure conformance to
high quality workmanship.
4.7 Interchangeability testing. Any assembly which fails to comply with
the specified requirements or evidences degradation of its operational
performance shall be classed defective. Test equipment and procedures shall
be satisfactory to the contracting officer (see 4.564).
4.7.1 Logic control assembly. A sample of three control assemblies
rondomly selected, shall be tested for interchangeability using the test
method specified in 4.7.3. Control assemblies taken for interchangeability
testing shall have been found satisfactory in all other examinations and
tests. The three control assemblies shall comply with the applicable specific-
ation functioning requirements of 4.6.3 before and after the interchange of
parts. It shall be the responsibility of the agency responsible for the test
to inform the contracting officer by letter or other methods satisfactory to
the contracting officer, when selective assembly has become necessary. State-
ment shall contain, as a minimum, contractor's name and FSCM, contract number,
parts involved in the selective fit, conditions of parts and tationale for
action taken. No hand refinement of parts shall be permissible without
approval by the contracting officer. No malfunctions shall be allowed in the
functioning tests. Failure of a control assembly in the interchangeability
test shall cause retest or rejection of the first article.
At the discretion of the Government representative, an interchangeability
retest may be allowed. Failure during the retest shall cause rejection of the
first article. A sample of six control assemblies from each retest shall be
tested using the same procedures described above.
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