| ![]() MIL-T-740G
3.4.11 Truck, wreckers M543A1, M543A2, M246A1, M246A2, M816 and M819. Crane operation. The crane hydraulic system, when serviced with oil of the type
and grade specified in table IV for the applicable environmental conditions, shall demonstrate
performance requirements as specified herein when operating on level ground and/or on slopes
fore and aft direction and to either side slope up to 5 degrees. The crane shall continuously
rotate through 360 degrees without stops. When the boom is fully extended on the M543A1,
M543A2 and M816 models, the hoist line speed shall be not less than 54 feet per minute, with a
3,000 pound load. When the boom is fully extended on the M246A1, M246A2 and M819
models, the hoist line speed shall not be less than 60 feet per minute with 1,700 pound load. The
M543A1, M543A2 and M816 models shall demonstrate a maximum practical traverse, with
stops, at a rate of 4 rpm. The M246A1, M246A2 and MB19 models shall demonstrate a
maximum practical traverse, with stops, at a rate of 3 rpm. Crane shall be equipped with not less
than 60 feet of usable single-part line. The hydraulic system oil temperature will be not less than
100F during all the above tests. Operating conditions (M543A1, M543A2 and M816 models only). With the
vehicle on relatively level ground the crane shall operate under the following conditions:
a. Radius of operation, from center of rotation to center of boom sheave:
Boom fully extended, not less than -------------------------------- 18 feet
Boom fully retracted and horizontal, not more than ------------- 10 feet
b. Boom fully retracted and horizontal, maximum distance from center of boom
sheave to rear bumperettes ----------------------------------------- 34 inches
c. Lifting height, hook bearing point to ground, with boom in maximum extended and
elevated position and boom to ground supports, not less than 219 inches and with
boom at 15 foot radius with boom to ground support, the lifting height shall not be
less than 186 inches. Lifting capacities (M543A1. M543A2 and M816 models only). The lifting
capacities of the crane as installed on the vehicle in traverse operations for the radii indicated, or
inverse proportion to load values for radii not shown, shall be as follows:
a. Crane capacity, outriggers not in use:
At 18 foot radius, not less than ---------------------------------- 3,000 pounds
At 10 foot radius, not less than ---------------------------------- 6,500 pounds
b. Crane capacity, outriggers in place:
At 18 foot radius, not less than ---------------------------------- 4,000 pounds
At 10 foot radius, not less than --------------------------------- 10,000 pounds
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