| MIL-T-740G
c. Crane capacity, crane boom supported:
At 15 foot radius, rear outriggers not in use,
boom supported from ground, not less than ----------------- 20,000 pounds
At 10 foot radius, outriggers in place, boom
supported from vehicle, not less than ------------------------ 20,000 pounds
For a crane capacity of 10,000 pounds, the maximum allowable settling (rate of descent), with
outriggers in place and crane capacity at 10 foot radius, with system stabilized and oil
temperature at 100F, shall be not more than 3 inches in 6 minutest using a two part line with
power divider lever engaged or disengaged and with load at least 15 inches from ground. The
specified crane capacities may be attained utilizing multiple line arrangement, two-part line
preferred. A three-part line arrangement may be utilized for lifting capacity requirements of
20,000 pounds. Operating conditions (M246A1, M246A2 and M819 models only). With the
vehicle on relatively level ground the crane shall have operating dimensions as follows:
a. Radius of operation, from center of rotation to center of boom sheave:
Boom fully extended, not less than ---------------------------------------- 26 feet
Boom fully retracted and horizontal, not less than ------------------- 11 1/2 feet
b. Boom fully retraced and horizontal, maximum distance
from center of boom sheave to rear of vehicle
tie down shackles ---------------------------------------------------------- 12 inches
c. Lifting height, hook bearing point to ground, boom at
15 ft. radius with boom to ground supports not less than 151 inches. Lifting capacities (M246A1, M246A2 and M819). The lifting capacities of the
crane as installed on the vehicle in traverse operations for the radii indicated, or in inverse
proportion to load values for radii not shown, shall be as follows:
a. Crane capacity, outriggers not in use:
At 26 foot radius, not less than ---------------------------------------- 1,700 pounds
At 11 1/2 foot radius, not less than ----------------------------------- 5,200 pounds
b. Crane capabity, outriggers in place:
At 26 foot radius, not less than ---------------------------------------- 4,500 pounds
At 11 1/2 foot radius, not less than -----------------------------------10,000 pounds
c. Crane capacity, crane boom supported:
At 15 foot radius, rear outriggers not in use, boom supported from ground,
not less than ------------------------------------------------------------ 20,000 pounds
At 11 1/2 foot radius, outriggers in place,
boom supported from vehicle, not less than ----------------------- 10,000 pounds
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