| ![]() MIL-T-740G Test failure. Failure of any vehicle to conform to any of the requirements specified
in the contract or any major defects of a workmanship or materials nature, occuring as a result of
the test cycle, may be cause for refusal to continue acceptance of vehicles until objective
evidence has been provided by the manufacturer that corrective action has been taken. Any
defects found during, or as a result of, the test shall be prima facie evidence that vehicles
accepted subsequent to the previous acceptable comparison test vehicles are similarly defective,
unless evidence satisfactory to the contracting officer is furnished by the contractor that they are
not similarly defective. Such defects on all vehicles shall be corrected by the contractor at no
cost to the Government.
5.1 Vehicle processing. Vehicle shall be processed for shipment and storage in accordance
with MIL-V-62038 to the extent indicated on the Vehicle Preservation Data Sheets furnished by
the procuring activity (see 6.2).
6.1 Intended use. The vehicles covered by this specification are general and special purpose
trucks intended for use by the United States Military Services in transporting personnel or cargo,
towing trailers or semitrailers, and recovering disabled equipment during military operations.
When fitted with special equipment kits, the vehicles are intended for use under extreme or
unusual conditions of climate, weather, terrain, and military service.
6.2 Ordering data. Acquisition documents should specify the following:
Title, number, and date of this specification.
Model required (see 1.2 and 3.3).
Special kits required for specific vehicles (see 3.3.1).
Painting, marking, and data plates as required (see 3.5 through
Rustproofing, if required (see 3.6).
Selection of level(s) of processing (see 5.1).
6.3 First article. First article samples shall be tested and approved under the appropriate
provisions of 7-104.55 of the Defense Acquisition Regulation. The contracting officer should
include specific instructions in all procurement instruments regarding arrangements for
examination, test and approval of the first article (see 3.1).
6.4 Process average. Sampling may be initiated if the process average value for the first
twenty vehicles inspected is less than the AQL specified in the classification of defects for major
and minor defects.
Process average =
Number of defects
X 100
Number of vehicles inspected
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