| ![]() MIL-T-780E
4.2 classification of " nspections. Inspections shall be classified as
follows :
(a) Preproduction inspection of the tamper (see 4.3).
(b) Initail production inspection (see 4.4).
(c Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5).
d Inspection comparison (see 4.7).
e Inspection of preparation for delivery (see 4.8).
4.3 Preproductio inspection.
4.3.1 Examination. The tamper shall be examined as specified in 4.6.1.
Presence of one or more defects shall be cause for rejection.
4.3.2 Tests. The tamper shall be tested as specified in 4.6.2 through Failure of any test shall be cause for rejection.
4.4 Initial production inspection. When specified (see 3.3), one or more
initial production tampers will be selected at random by the Government from
the tampers being produced by production tooling and will be examined as
specified in 4.6.1 and tested as specified in 4.6.2 through to deter-
mine conformance to the requirements of this specification. The inspection
will be performed by the Government at a site selected by the Government.
Acceptance of an initial production tamper shall not exclude the remaining
tampers from the quality conformance inspection and acceptance provisions
specified in Section 4. In addition to any test specified as part of the
initial production test, the Government reserves the right to conduct any
or all other tests contained in this specification as part of the initial
production test, and failure of such additional tests shall have the same
effect as failure of those tests specified as initial production tests.
4.4.1 Inspection failure . Failure of an initial production tamper to
meet any requirements specified during and as a result of the exami-
nation and tests specified in 4.4 shall be cause for rejection of the
initial production tamper(s) and shall be cause for refusal by the Govern-
ment to continue acceptance of production tampers until evidence has been
provided by the supplier that corrective action has been taken to eliminate
the deficiencies. Correction of such deficiencies shall be accomplished by
the supplier at no cost to the Government on tampers previously accepted
and produced under the contract. Any deficiencies found as a result of the
initial production inspection will be considered prima facie evidence that
all tampers accepted prior to the completion of initial production inspec-
tion are similarly deficient unless evidence to the contrary is furnished
by the supplier and such evidence is acceptable to the contracting officer.
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