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4.5.1 Examination. Each tamper shall be examined as specified in 4.6.1.
Presence of one or more defects shall be cause for rejection.
4.5.2 Tests. Each tamper shall be tested as specified
Failure of the tests shall be cause for rejection.
4.6 Inspection procedure.
4.6.1 Examination.
The tamper shall be examined for the following defects:
10l. Dimensions and weight not as specified.
102. Parts or Components missing.
103. Material not as specified.
104. Pad maintenance tool not furnished.
105. Throttle valve not as specified.
106. Coupling half not as specified.
107. Strainer mesh not as specified.
108. Identification markings absent or incorrect l
109. Treatment and painting not as specified.
110. Workmanship not aS specified.
4.6.2 Tests. Prior to being tested, the tamper shall be disassembled.
The piston and cylinder diameters shall be recorded, and the piston and
cylinder shall be indicated. The tamper shall be reassembled, and the oil
reservoir shall be filled with oil furnished by the supplier. The oil shall
be compatible with the military lubricants (see 6.5) listed herein. Operation. Operate the tamper at 10-degree angular increments
for not less than 5 minutes in each position from the vertical to 90 degrees
from the vertical, tampering fill for not less than 75 hours, consisting of
25 hours each at pressures of 70, 90, and 100 psig. At 5-hour intervals
during the test, examine the exhaust for presence of oil in the exhausted
air. At the completion of 75 hours of operation take the following action:
a Examine the strainer for damage or defective mounting.
H Examine all external parts of the tamper.
Remove the tamping pad using the maintenance tool.
Hd Disassemble the tamper and examine the for for damage, wearing,
or scoring l
Evidence of mechanical failure, permanent defamation, or damaged or scored
parts; inability of the tamper to operate in any of the positions from hori-
zontal to vertical; evidence of the tamping pad coming loose during operation;
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