| ![]() MIL-T-780E Preservatives. Preservatives specified herein shall conform to
the applicable specifications listed in and shall be applied in accordance
with MIL-P-116. Unprotected surfaces. Unprotected exterior metal surfaces requir-
ing the application of a contact preservative in accordance with MIL-P-116
shall be preserved as follows. Machined surfaces. Exposed exterior machined metal surfaces
shall be mated with Type P-6 preservative. The coated surfaces shall `be
covered or wrapped with barrier material conforming to MIL-B-121, Type I,
Grade A, Class 2, and secured in place with tape conforming to PPP-T-60,
Type IV. Unfinished surfaces. Exposed exterior unfinished metal surfaces
shall be coated with Type P-1 preservative. No wrap shall be required*
5*1.1*4 Cylinder assembly. Interior surfaces of the cylinder assembly
shall be coated with oil conforming to Type P-10 preservative, Type I,
Grade 30. The oil shall `be applied through the lubricating system or by
feeding the oil into the air inlet while actuating the piston, until the
preservative appears at the exhaust port. Air inlets and outlets shall
be closed with plastic caps or plugs, as applicable, conforming to MIL-C-5501. Hose. When a leader hose is furnished, the hose shall be coiled
and the coil secured with a minimum of three equally spaced ties of cotton
tape or twine.
5,3..1,6 Repair parts. The preservative application criteria and appli-
cable methods of preservation of MIL-P-116 shall be used to preserve repair
parts. Maintenance tools. Maintenance tools shall be preserved in
accordance with PPP-P-40, Level A. Technical publications. Technical publications shall be preserved
in accordance with MIL-P-116, Method IC-1. Consolidated packagi ng. When a chest is furnished (see 3.19),
components comprising a complete tamper shall be consolidated together in
the chest, and the chest lid closed and secured. When a chest is not fur-
nished the components shall be consolidated together in a close-fitting
box conforming to PPP-B-636, W5c or V3c, style optional, as applicable to
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