| MIL-T-81333A(OS)
3.4.4 Static loading. The telescope shall be capable of withstanding static loading of 1,000 pounds per square
inch in any and all directions.
3.5 Government furnished equipment if specified in the contractor order (see 6.2.1), certain items such as
headrests and lamp sockets may be supplied as Government furnished equipment.
3.6 Government loaned equipment Government equipment and property will be provided as indicated in the
contract or order (see 6.2.1) and normally will include only peculiar end items not available commercially for factory
test and evaluation of the telescope.
3.7 Workmanship All workmanship shall be in accordance with OP 2230 and as specified herein. The stan-
dards of workmanship exhibit in any first article sample subject to any qualification stated in the Government's
notice of approval shall be determinative of the requirements of the contract relative to workmanship insofar as
not specificity covered by applicable specifications.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.21),
the contractor is responsible for the performance of ail inspection requirements as specified herein. Exdcept as
otherwise specified in the contractor purchase order (see 6.2.1), the contract or may use his own or any ther facili-
ties suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Govern-
ment. The Government reserves the right to perform any of me inspections set forth in the specification where
such inspections are deemed necessary to assure suppiles and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.1.1 ResponsibiIity for compliance All items must meet all requirements of sections 3 and 5. The inspec-
tions set forth in this specification shall become a part of the contractor's overall inspection system or quality pro-
gram. The absence of any inspection requirements in the specification shall not relieve the contractor of the
responsibility of assuring that ail products or suppIies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with
all requirements of the contract. Sampling in quality conformance does not authorize submission of known defec-
tive material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to acceptance of defective material.
4.2 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
a. First article inspection (see 4.4)
b. Quality conformance inspection (see 45).
4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified, ail inspections shall be performed in accordance with
the test conditions specified in MIL-STD-109.
4.4 First article inspection. Unless Otherwise specified in the contract or order (see 6.2.1), a first article samp-
ple shall be subjected to the quality conformance inspections of 45345.4, and 455
4.4.1 Sampling. The first article sample shall be a telescope manufactured in accordance with the require-
ments of section 3 of this specification.
4.4.2 Rejection. Failure of the sample to meet all the requirements of this specification shall be cause for re-
jection of the first article sample
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