| MIL-T-81333A(OS)
4.5 Quality conformance. Except as otherwise specified herein, each telescope shall be subjected to exami-
nations and tests specified herein to assure compliance with the requirements of this specifcation.
4.5.1 Sampling. Each telescope offered for acceptance under contract Shall be subjected to the examinations
and tests specified in 45.3 and 4.5.4. In addition, samples selected from units having satisfactorily passed the in-
spections of 4.5.2 and 4.5.4 shall be subjcted to the teats of 4.5.5 at an activity designated by the contracting officer.
Sampling for the tests of 455 shall be as determined by the contract or order (see 6.2.1).
4.5.2 Rejection. Failure to meet any of the specified Inspection requirements shall be considered cause for
rejection of the telescope.
4.5.3 Examintions. Visual and dimensional examination. Each telescope shall be visually and dimensionally examined
for completeness of manufacture, freedom from defects, proper identification, and workmanship Dimensional and
other non-destructive inspections shall be made to verify that the telescope and its container are in accordance
with this specification and the drawings and specifications listed on LD167920 or LD412528 as applicable Exami-
nations shall be conducted in accordance with the appicable portions of MIL-0-13830. Internal cleanliness Examination for internal cleanliness shall be made by looking into the telescope
in bright tight, both directly and with the aid of an auxiliary lens placed behind the eyepiece and by looking through
the telescope at a uniform field having the brightness of the sky in average daylight. Stray light. With the telescope directed at a distant natural target silhouetted against a bright sky at
least 40 degrees from me direct Iine of the sun, the exit pupil shall be examinad with the aid of a 5-power loupe.
Upon placing the eye in the exit pupil, no haze or clouding of the image resulting from superimposed stray light
shall be evident as the observer's eye is slowly moved out of the exit -pupil in a lateral directionl until the image
is extinguished. Adjustments and other operational features. Operational features such as knobs, controls, and illu-
mination shall be examined to determine conformance with this specification. be of sight adjustmenta Line of sight adjustments shall be dimensionally verified to be 95 degrees
and 25 degrees above and below, respectively, the horizontal plane of the telescope The limit stops shall also
be dimensionally examined to ascertain that they are set at +100 degrees (elevation) and -30 degrees (depression). Mirror assembly. The mirror and its assembly shall be operated through the limits of elevation. The
torque required to turn the adjusting shaft shall not exceed 5 inch-pounds. Reticle illumination. The reticle lamp shall be energized and the reticle shall be observed to escer-
tain that substantially uniform illumination of both circles of the reticle at either magnification is effected. No bright
and trousblesome reflections hall be visible field of view nor distance in the dark. Controls. All operating controls shall be manipulated through their ranges to determine that movement
of parts involved in the operation of the telescope is positive accurate free from excessive friction, and does not
transmit shock or jar to optical elements During this examination observe that operation of controls can be pro
Iy conducted with gloved hands.
4.5.4 Performanoe tests. Performance teats specified herein are not set forthwith regard to any particular se-
quence The contractor shall establish appropriate sequence for conducting inspections specified herein to ensure
that the requirements of this specification are met.
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