| MIL-T-81333A(OS) Measurements during all tests, the accuracy of instruments and test equipment used to control or monitor
test parameters shall be verified periodically to the satisfaction of the contracting activity. All instruments and test
equipment used in conducting tests specified herein shall:
a. Conform to laboratory standards where calibration is traceable to the prime standards at the U.S
Bureau of Standards
b. Have an accuracy of at least one-fifth the tolerance for the variable to be measured. Standard conditions. All quality conformance tests shall be conducted under standard conditions of
ambient temperature atomospheric pressure, and relative humidity. Standard conditions shall be as foiiows:
25 10 degreesc Celsius (c)
Relative humidity
90 percent or less
Barometric pressure
28 t0 32 inches of mercury
2 pounds per square inch
Telescope internal gas pressure
Actural ambient conditions shall be recorded periodically during th test period and provided as part of the test results. Collimation. Collimation of the telescope shall be made as described in OP 1959. The procedures
desribed therein are directed toward Collimation after overhaul of an in-service telescope but shall be utilized in
verifying the following requirements of this specification
a. parallelism
b. squaring
d. magnification
e. true fieid
f. exit pupil
g. eye distance
h. focus
i. resolution
j. reticle
k. interocuiar adjustment
Tests to verify the above requirements shall be in accordance with MlL-13830, where applicable Otherwise tests
shall be as specified herein.
45.4.4 Image quality and definition. The telescope shall be subjected to a star test to determine that the im-
age quality and definition is as specified herein. Test equipment The target for the star test shall be situated at least 50 meters from the test site or
a miniature target maybe contained in a suitable collimator. The target shall consist of three adjacent circular aper-
tures, each 10 seconds in angular diameter, placed beside one another. All of the apertures shall be brightly illumi-
nated from by means of tungsten or lamp operated at ordinary line voltage. The light from the first,
or white star, shall be unfiltered. The light emitted by the second, or red star, shall have a visual spectrum centroid
at 6563 * 10 millimicrons wavelength. The light emitted by the third, or blue star, shall have a visual spectrum
centroid at 486.2 5 miilimicrons wavelength. An auxiliary telescope shall be provided having a magnification
of not less than 3 nor more than 6 diameters.
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