| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
MS-33656 - Fitting End, Standard Dimension for Flared Tube.
NAMC 610415 - Shipboard Workbench for Aviation Electronics Shops
2.1.1 Availability of Documents - Copies of Specifications, Standards,
drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific
procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as
directed by the contracting office (see 6. 4).
3. R E Q U I R E M E N T S
3.1 Parts and Materials - In the selection of parts and materials, ful-
fillment of major design objectives shall be the prime consideration. in so
doing the following shall govern:
(a) Parts and Materials as approved by MIL-T-21200 shall be given
first consideration.
(b) Guidelines for the selection of nonstandard parts shall be per
MIL-T-21200, Selection of parts and materials.
(c) In the selection of parts, the above considerations shall apply if
the assembly is to be built for detail part maintenance. In the event the
entire assembly is built to be expended, the assembly shall be constructed
and the quality of the individual parts shall be such that the unit as a whole
will pass electrical and' environmental test.
3.1.1 Nonstandard Parts - Nonstandard parts and materials shall be as
outlined in MIL-T-21200 Materials, parts and processes, except that
mechanical parts shall be considered as nonstandard parts only when the
material requirements of MIL-T-21200, as modified herein, are not met.
3.1.2 Tube Types and semiconductors Types - The choice and application
of electron tubes and semiconductor types used in the equipment shall be in
accordance with MIL-T-21200 and MIL-STD-701.
3.1.3 Noncorrosive Hardware - External, Military Standard (MS) hard-
ware which is used during servicing or installing test equipments shall be of
a corrosive-resistance type and shall not be further finish-treated.
3.1.4 Paint - Paint shall be epoxy polyamide per MIL-C-22750; color shall
be aircraft gray, color number 16473, per FED-STD-595.
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