| MIL-T-815271B(AS)
(b) PWR OFF (Power Off) - A red pushbutton switch shall remove
+28 Vdc from the Power Control Relays thus enabling all power to be
removed from the Table -Rack.
(c) RDR PWR (Radar Power) - The Radar Power Control shall be a
green pushbutton switch which shall be used to control the 115/200v,
3-phase 400 Hz and the 28 Vdc power to the MCS.
(d) PNL LTS (Panel Lights) - The Panel Lights Control shall be a
white pushbutton switch which shall be used to turn the MCS cockpit panel
lights on or off.
(e) LIQ C00L (Liquid Cooling) - The Liquid Cooling Contro1 shall be
a green pushbutton switch which shall be used to turn on the Liquid Cooling
System when the MCS is not on.
The button shall also be lit when the
RSC FUNCTION switch is turned to Standby (STBY) or Operate (OPR), and the
cooler is energized.
(f) AIR COOL (Air Cooling) - The Air Cooling Control shall be a
green pushbutton switch which shall be used to turn on the Blower Assembly
when the MCS is not on.
The button is also lit when the RSC FUNCTION
switch is turned to STBY or OPR, and the blower is energized.
(g) HYD ON (Hydraulics On) - The Hydraulics On Control shall be a
green, momentary pushbutton switch which shall be used to turn on the
Hydraulic Supply.
The Hydraulics On control shall be interlocked with
the RSC FUNCTION switch and must be operated each time the RSC
FUNCTION switch is turned from OFF to any other position. The
Hydraulics On control shall also be interlocked with the Hydraulic Panel
of the Antenna Maintenance Fixture, when the Maintenance Fixture is
The control shall be operable only when
utilized with the Table -Rack.
the Hydraulic Panel is in the BENCH position.
(h) HYD OFF (Hydraulic Off) - The Hydraulics Off contro1 shall be a
red, momentary pushbutton switch which shall be used to turn off the
hydraulics while the MCS is on.
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