| MIL-T-81527B(M)
(i) PHASE SELECTOR - The Phase Selector control shall be a
3-position rotary switch which shall select the phase of the 3-phase,
Positions shall be marked
400-Hz to be measured on the 400-Hz meter.
A, B, and C.
The following monitors and indicating lights Indication.
shall be provided on the front panel,
(a) RADAR PHASE INDICATOR (400-Hz Phase Selector ) - The Radar
Phase Indicator shall be a neon indicator light with a translucent white lens
which shall show when the 3 -phase, 400-Hz line voltage is connected in the
proper phase sequence.
(b) 400 CPS VOLTAGE (AC Voltage Monitor) - The AC Voltage Monitor
shall be a voltmeter of 3 percent full scale accuracy which shall measure the
MCS primary 400-Hz line voltage between 105 and 125V.
(c) DC VOLTAGE (DC Voltage Monitor) - The DC Voltage Monitor
shall be a voltmeter of 3 percent full scale accuracy which shall measure the
primary dc line voltage between 22 and 31 Vdc.
(d) ELAPSED TIME (Elapsed Time Indicator) - The Elapsed Time
Indicator shall be a meter which conforms to MS 17322-6A. The meter shall
indicate total "on time " of the bench mounted radar.
(e) LIQ FLOW (Liquid Flow Indicator) - The Liquid Flow Indicator
shall be a red indicator light which shall show the state of the coolant flow
When the flow through the Liquid Cooling System is less than
2.5+0.1, -0.0 gallons per minute (gpm), the indicator light shall be lit.
(f) HIGH TEMP (High Temperature Indicator) - The High Temperature
Indicator shall be a red indicator light which shall show the state of the
Temperature High interlock switch. When the return temperature to the
Liquid Cooling System rises above 107 + 3C (225 + 5F) the indicator
light shall be lit.
(g) CMPTR AIR (Computer Air Indicator) - The Computer Air
Indicator shall be a red indicator light which shall show the state of the
Sensing Element installed in the plenum of the Computer Support Structure
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