| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
1 kn, l/8 watt
Not applicable
(l) SIGNAL GRD (Signal Ground)
Not applicable
(m) SCAN END (Scan Turn Around)
Not applicable
(n) ANT POS (Antenna Position)
AZ (Azimuth)
EL (Elevation)
RET (Return) Simulation. The following signals normally provided by
the aircraft systerms shall be provided.
(a) Navigational Computer Simulation - A 10 + lV, 400-Hz, phase-A
signal shall be supplied to simulate the North (Vwn) and East (Vwe) Wind
Velocity excitation.
Load resistors of 360 ohms + 5 percent, 1/2 watt, shall
be provided to simulate the wind signal loads.
(b) Vertical Reference - A three-wire synchro signal for both the
pitch and roll inputs to the radar at an angle of O degrees shall be simulated.
(c) Compass Heading - A three-wire synchro signal input to the radar
which simulates a O degree heading shall be provided.
(d) Drift Angle - A three-wire synchro signal input to the radar,
which simulates a O-degree drift angle shall be provided.
(e) Pressure Ratio (P/PSL) - The panel shall accept an ac input from
the AN/APG-59 and provide a simulated pressure ratio by attenuating the
input signal with a transfer ratio of O. 673 + O.007 to 1.
(f) True Air Speed (TAS) AC - The panel shall accept the TAS (at) .
excitation voltage from the Velocity Signal Compute r and simulate a
120O-knot velocity by attenuating the excitation voltage with a transfer
ratio of O. 80 + O. 01 to 1.
(g) TAS (DC) - The panel shall accept the TAS (de) excitation voltage
from the Launch Signal Compute r and simulate a 1200-knot velocity by
attenuating the excitation voltage with a transfer ratio of O. 80 + 0.01 to 1.
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