| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
(h) Angle of Attack ( T) - The panel shall accept a 25V, 400 cycle
ac input from the Launch Signal Computer and simulate a 4-degree angle of
attack by attenuating the ac input with a transfer ratio of O. 080 + 0. 002 to 1.
(i) Lateral Offset Cursor - Simulated Later al Offset Cursor signals
of 6.25 miles right, 6.25 miles left, and O miles shall be provided for a
radar scale factor of 1 mile per volt (de) for selection by the LAT OFFSET
The source impedance shall be 5000 ohms + 10 percent,
CURSOR switch.
(j) Main Beam Clutter - A variable Main Beam Clutter (MB C) signal
having a magnitude of O to -16 Vdc shall be provided by means of a ten-turn
potentiometer Man MBC.
This signal shall be fed through a low pass filter
having a corner frequency of 210 Hz and shall be selected by MBC/GSO
INPUTS switch to replace signals which originate in the Velocity Signal
(k) Ground Speed - A variable Ground Speed signal having a magnitude
of O to -16 Vdc shall be provided by means of a ten-turn potentiometer MAN
This signal shall be fed through a low-pass filter having a
corner frequency of 210 Hz and shall be selected by the MBC/GSO INPUTS
switch to replace the signals which originate in the Velocity Signal Computer.
(1) Acceleration - Simulated vertical acceleration signals having a
scale factor as specified in MIL-R-81114B shall be provided representing
+3 g's, -3 g's, and level flight. Selection of these signals shall be by the
ACCEL switch.
(m) Altitude - Two altitude signals of 4.08 + 0, 0816 Vdc, and 5.26
+ O. 1052 Vdc with scale factors as specified in MIL-R-81114B, shall be
Selection of these signals shall be by the ALT switch.
(n) Climb Angle Simulation - The Panel shall accept a 25V, 400 Hz
ac input and shall provide a simulate climb angle signal through a voltage
divider ratio of O. 400 + 0. 004 to 1.
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