| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
(1) BIT READOUT RADAR 1 - It shall permit test probe access
to signals from AN/APG-59 Radar Set receiver and transmitter subassem-
blies that are selected by and routed to the Selector-Test programmer.
(2) BIT READOUT RADAR 2- It shall also permit test probe
access to signals from AN/APG-59 Radar Set receiver and transmitter
subassemblies, but different from those at BIT Readout Radar 1, which are
selected by and routed to the Selector-Test programmer.
(3) BIT READOUT CMPTR 1 (BIT Readout Computer 1) - It
shall permit test probe access to signals from the computers that are selec-
ted by and routed to the Selector-Test Programmer.
(4) BIT READOUT CMPTR 2 (BIT Readout Computer 2) - It
shall also permit test probe access to signals from the computers, but
different from these at BIT Readout Computer 1, that are selected by and
routed to the Selector-Test Programmer,
(5) GRD (Signal Ground) - It shall provide the signal ground ref-
erence for the MAN BIT TGT measurement.
(6) MAN BIT TGT (Variable BIT Targets) - It shall permit test
probe access to measure the voltage established by the potentiometer.
(7) COMPARATOR GRD (Selector-Test Programmer Ground) -
It shall provide signal ground reference to the Selector Test Programmer
when making BIT READOUT measurements. Self-Test. Self-test shall be incorporated to check the
Al through E14 lights and the power supplies to the Selector-Test Program-
(a) Self-test of the lights Al through E14 shall be accomplished by
energizing all the lights by means of the BIT SELECT switch.
(b) Self-test of the following power supplies shall be accomplished
by means of a green indicator light on the front panel for each of the power
supply voltages.
When voltage is above 85 percent -O percent + 10 percent
of nominal, the associated light shall light.
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