| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
This unit shall not exceed 19 inches by Form Factor.
14 inches by 8-3/4 inches.
The weight of the unit shall not exceed 20 pounds. Controls and Interface.
There shall be the following on
the panel:
(a) BIT SELECT - The BIT Select control shall be a three-position
rotary switch which shall be used to select either the NORM, MAN, or
When in the MAN mode the Selector-Test Programmer
shall be disabled and this panel shall be activated. The LAMP TEST posi-
tion shall test the lamps.
When in the Normal Mode the BIT circuits will
be activated by BIT or FIM in response to tape commands. In response
to tape command a relay in the Manual BIT Panel shall permit the Test Set,
Missile Control System TS-251IC/AWG- 10 to use pushbutton commands of
the Manual BIT Panel which will be setin in advance.
(b) Al through E14 - Seventy illuminated white pushbuttons shall be
provided to initiate commands when the BIT SELECT control is set to the
M A N mode.
The lights shall be on to show the presence of a command signal
when the BIT SELECT control is set to either the NORM or MAN mode.
(c) MAN BIT TGT (Manual BIT Targets) - A ten-turn potentiometer
shall provide variable BIT target signals when the BIT TGT switch is set
to the MAN Position. An output from O to - 16 Vdc shall be fed through a
low-pass filter with a -3 decibel (dB) corner frequency of 21 Hz. Manual
targets shall be selected by BIT TGT switch to replace the Digital Analog
The output signal shall be
outputs of the Selector-Test Programmer.
monitored by means of test point MAN BIT TGT.
(d) BIT TGT (BIT Targets Select) - The two-position BIT Targets
Select toggle switch shall be used to select either Manual BIT targets or the
Normal outputs of the "Selector-Test Programmer. Positions shall be
marked MAN and NORM.
(e). TEST POINTS - The following test points shall be provided on the
front panel for monitoring purposes.
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