| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
3.4.1. 6.6.6 Performance.
The output of the Hydraulic Supply Unit shall
be the following:
(a) Pressure - The pressure supply shall be at least 880 pounds per
square inch, gage (psig) but not greater than 1100 psig.
(b) Flow Rate - The steady-state flow rate shall be not less than
1.5 gpm at 975 psigo
The flow rate shall be reducible by bypassing internally
all flow while maintaining an outlet pressure of less than 1025 psig,
(c) Hydraulic Fluid - The unit shall operate with hydraulic fluid per
(d) Temperature - The unit shall provide cooling to maintain the tem-
perature of the fluid supply at 54 + 17C(130+300F). Contents.
This unit shall consist of the following with indicated
(a) Pump - A constant displacement, motor-driver pump designed for
use with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid shall be provided. The pump shall be
capable of providing pressures and flow rates consistent with applicable
Performance when power is applied.
(b) Filters -
(1) A 10 -micron absolute, metal mesh filter of 6 gpm capacity
shall be in series with the pressure supply line.
The filter shall be equipped
with an automatic reset differential pressure device which will cause the
FILTER indicator to light when the pressure drop across the filter element
reaches 80 + 12 psi.
(2) A 105-micron absolute, metal mesh filter of 6 gpm capacity
shall be in series with the return line.
(c) Reservoir - A reservoir with a minimum capacity of 1.0 gallons
shall be provided.
The reservoir shall have two-way vent valve constructed
so that spillage will not occur in any attitude.
The fill opening shall have a
removable 300 -micron strainer and a sealing cap. A Fluid Level Indicator
shall monitor the quantity of fluid in the reservoir.
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