| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
with a 1- 1/4 inch mounting flange along one end which shall provide switches,
controls, test points and connectors as required to perform the function
described in section It shall be bracket mounted and accessible
from the front of the Antenna Support Fixture. Inputs.
Inputs to the Antenna Control Box shall be as follows:
(a) AC power in accordance with
(b) DC power in accordance with
(c) AN/APG-59 Antenna Azimuth Potentiometer output: O.346 + 11 per-
cent Vat/degree off bore sight.
(d) AN/APG-59 Antenna Elevation Potentiometer output: O.346
+ 11 per-cent Vat/degree off boresight.
(e) Antenna Position Indicator (API) outputs: Four signal leads with
either O to 1.2 Vdc or 11 to 13 Vdc. Outputs. Outputs from the Antenna Control Box shall be as
follows :
(a) AN/APG-59 Antenna Azimuth Valve Command Signal: 2.19
+ 2O percent milliamperes (d) per degree of position error.
(b) AN/APG-59 Antenna Elevation Valve Command Signal: 1.37
+ 20 percent mA per degree of position error.
(c) AN/APG-59 Antenna Azimuth and Elevation Induction Potentiometer
Excitation: Phase A, 26.4 Vac + 8 percent, 400 Hz.
(d) AN/APG-59 Antenna Feedhorn Spin Motor Excitation: 3 -phase,
115/200 Vac *5 percent, 400 Hz.
(e) Simulated Acquisition: 27 + 2 Vdc
(f) Monopulse Mode Select: 27 + 2 Vdc
(g) 12 Vdc B+ Supply: 12 + 0.6 Vdc
(h) BIT Control Number 1: 27 + 2 Vdc
(i) BIT Control Number 2: 27 + 2 Vdc
(j.) BIT Control Number 3: 27 + 2 Vdc
(k) BIT Control Number 4: 27 + 2 Vdc
{1) BIT Control Number 5: 27 + 2 Vdc
(m) Spoiler Control: 27 + 2 Vdc
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