| MIL-T-81527B(AS) Controls.
The following controls shall be provided on the
front of the Antenna Control Box. An associated indicator light shall be
provided for section (d).
(a) SCAN MOTOR POWER - A two-position, ON-OFF toggle switch
shall be provided on the panel for the purpose of applying 11 5/200 Vat, 400 Hz,
3-phase power to the scan drive motor in the Antenna Contro1 Box.
(b) AUTO SCAN DIRECTION (Automatic Scan Direction) - A three-
position switch shall be `provided for the purpose of programming three
Positions shall be
separate scan commands into the AN/APG-59 Antenna.
marked AZ, EL, and 45.
The commanded scan coverage shall be
110 degree + 10 degree -O degree respectively in the azimuth plane, 110
degree + 10 degree, -O degrees in the elevation plane and a simulated roll
of 45 degree which shall drive the Antenna in azimuth and elevation simul-
(c) SPIN MOTOR POWER - A two-position, ON-OFF toggle switch
shall be provided to apply 115/200 Vat, 400 Hz, 3-phase power to the AN/
APG-59 Antenna Feedhorn Motor.
(d) HYDRAULICS - A two-position momentary ON-OFF toggle switch
shall be provided for contro1 of the Hydraulic Supply to furnish hydraulic
A green lamp shall be located beside the
power to the AN/APG-59 Antenna.
toggle switch to indicate that hydraulic power has been applied to the
(e) SCAN CMD (Scan Command Select) - A two-position AUTO, MAN
The AUTO position shall provide
(Manual) toggle switch shall be provided.
The MAN position shall provide
a scan rate of 60 + 6 degrees per second.
the facility to position the antenna by use of the AZIMUTH MANUAL COM-
COMMAND - A potentiometer r shall be pro-
vided to position the AN/APG-59 Antenna to any static azimuth position de-
This potentiometer shall provide an input to the azimuth scan-
command - servo amplifier when selected by the SCAN CMD switch.
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