| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
(g) ELEVATION MANUAL COMMAND - A potentiometer shall be pro-
vided to position the AN/APG-59 Antenna to any static elevation position de-
This potentiometer r shall provide input to the elevation scan-command
Servo-Amplifier when selected by SCAN CMD switch.
(h) WG/SP TEST (Waveguide/Spoiler Test) - A three-position toggle
switch shall be provided to apply +28 Vdc to either the AN/APG-59 Antenna
Waveguide Switch or the Spoiler.
Positions shall be marked WAVEGUIDE,
(i) SPIN MOTOR - A two-position toggle switch shall be provided to
control the spin motor drive for the AN/APG -59 Antenna Feedhorn.
positions shall be labeled SPIN and STOP.
(j) API +28 VDC BIT (Antenna Position Indicator, BIT Relay) - A
five -position switch shall be used to provide the facility for energizing the
BIT relays on the AN/APG-59 Antenna and to provide the means for B+
excitation to the API photo sensors.
Positions shall be marked OFF, 1, 2,
3, and 4. Protective Devices.
The following protective devices shall be
provided on the front of the Antenna Control Box:
(a) Circuit Breakers - Two circuit breakers shall be provided to pro-
tect the primary power source from overloading due to electrical malfunc-
tion on the Antenna Maintenance Fixture.
. (1) +28 Vdc - 5A
(2) 400 Hz - 115/200 Vat, 3 phase, 7-1/2A
Three connectors shall be provided on Electrical Connectors.
the control panel for interconnection between the AN/APG-59 Antenna and the
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