| ![]() MIL-T-81782C(AS) Emergency shutdown switches. Emergency shutdown switches
shall be provided for use by the operator. One switch shall be located
on the power distribution panel in bay no. 4: the other on the electrical
dummy load in bay no. 1. Both switches shall be push-button activated,
momentary contact type with the push-button finished in red. The switches
shall be superimposed on a bright orange-yellow and black diagonal striped
Activation of either switch shall result in shutdown of the
CTS and the load side of all primary circuit breakers shall be disconnected
from their respective loads. Emergency power shutdown shall be fail-safe
and Independent of all utility power forms.
3.2.8 Calibration cycle.
3.2.9 Power switching and coolant control. The CTS shall provide the
necessary switching to control utility power forms and shall provide ori-
fices and flow switches as required for control of clean air.
3.2.10 Displays.
Displays shall be provided for:
Indicating station status
Monitoring the test performance
Examining the contents of the computer registers
Signaling the operator when operator action is required
3.2.11 Operator controls. Operator controls shall be provided for
selecting test options and controlling the automatic test program.
3.2.12 Tape(s). Tape (or tapes) required for the CTS shall be of 1/2
inch Mylar magnetic tape, or equivalent. Maximum reel diameter shall be
8-1/2 inches, CTS maintenance tape(s) shall contain the programs required
to verify performance of the WRAs listed in Table III and shall also con-
tain diagnostic test routines for fault isolation in malfunctioning WRAs.
CTS maintenance tapes shall also contain programs for self test of the
CTS. A different tape containing the tactical and built in test (BIT)
programs shall be provided, but not as part of the test station.
3.3 Performance.
3.3.1 General. The CT'S shall provide the capability to test and main-
tain the equipment listed in Table III.
3.3.2 Organizational level functional requirements.
Not applicable.
Intermediate level functional requirements.
3.3.4 Warmup time.
Detailed functional requirements.
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