| ![]() MIL-T-81782C(AS) Power Supply-Storer PP-6776( )/AWG-9 tests. Operation of the
PS/S shall be verified by performing tests on both the power supply and
bulk store sections of the WRA. Power supply tests. The CTS shall perform the following tests
to verify that the power supply section of the PS/S is operating correctly:
a. DC voltage outputs
b. Input and output power
c. Power overload
d. +32 Vdc overcurrent
e. Transient detector
f. Ripple and noise Bulk storage section tests. The CTS shall provide the capa-
bility to perform the following tests to verify that the bulk storage
section of the PS/S is operating correctly:
a. Mechanical tape motion verification
b. Magnetic tape memory (MTM) search capability
c. MTM read data capability
d. Write test pattern and verify
e. Load MTM from tactical/BIT tape and verify Converter, Signal Data CV-3152( )/AWG-9. Operation of the
signal data converter shall be verified by performing the following tests: BIT verification. The CTS shall test the built-in-test cir-
cuitry of the signal data converter. Reference signal processing.
The CTS shall test the 7.1 and
26 Vrms system reference signals. Digital-to-analog conversions. The CTS shall test the digital-
to-analog (D/A) converters which provide the seeker head positioning data. AIM-7 analog transforms. The CTS shall test the AIM-7 analog
transform function. This shall include both ac and dc analog output signals. AIM-7, AIM-54 parameters. The CT'S shall test the AIM-7 and
AIM-54 output parameters generated in the tactical mode of operation. Missile message and doppler gravity bias timer. The CTS shall
test the missile message and doppler gravity bias timer. This shall include
the doppler gravity bias, doppler gravity clock, and the missle address
outputs. Signal matrix and logic 1 and 2. The CTS shall test the
signal matrix and logic 1 and 2 functions. This shall include the mission
station selected output and outputs, 10 tactical plus 4 missile on aircraft
test (MOAT) signals multiplexed together, which are sent to the missile
station selected.
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