| ![]() MIL-T-81809(AS)
Room ambient (25
Normal ground
Room ambient
Input power
AC, 60 + 10 Hz
3.3.6 Service Conditions - The equipment shall operate satisfactorily under
any of the environmental service conditions, or reasonable combination of these condi-
tions, as specified in MIL-T-21200 for Class 2 equipment.
3,3.6.1 Vibration - The test set shall conform with the applicable requirements
as specified in MIL-T-21200 when secured in the transit case. Shock - The test set shall conform with the shock requirements of MIL-
T-21200. During testing, the test set (not including transit case) shall be
mounted by the index pins which are compatible with the index holes provided on the
nose of the WALLEYE weapon. The test set legs shall be secured to prevent separation
of the test set from the WALLEYE weapon nose mock-up.
3,3.7 Primary Input Power Requirements - The equipment shall meet all applica-
ble input power requirements as specified MIL-T-21200 for Class 2 equipment. The
power required shall be of the following types and shall not exceed the specified
(a) AC Power, Single Phase,
Hz or
60 + 10 Hz, 35 VA.
(b) DC Power, Self-Contained Battery DC Power Supply,
7.2 volts nominal. `Protection - The equipment shall be capable of withstanding input power
variations as imposed by abnormal electric systems operations as specified in
3.4 Performance - The test set shall meet the performance requirements listed
on the drawings of DL 64A16D1368 in addition to the following requirements.
3.4.1 Operation - The test set shall be a portable reference target which pro-
jects an optical test pattern into the guidance section of the WALLEYE weapons. The
test set shall be capable of the following:
(a) Testing the guidance section for the ability to electronically track
a moving 30 to 40 percent contrast target in both the horizontal and
vertical direction.
(b) Checking the resolution of the guidance section and aircraft television
display as a system.
(c) Operating from self-contained, rechargeable batteries or external 115
volt a-c power, either 60 or 400 Hz,
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