| ![]() MILT81821
strut, that portion of the landing-gear strut between the mounting trunions and the pneumatic
portion should be cut away and the two surfaces welded together. Modifications to related end item
components for the purpose of size or weight reduction shall be indicated in the Detail
Specification. Moment.
In shipping configuration the center of gravity of each trainer panel
shall not be more than twenty-five (25) percent of its height above the bottom, more than
twenty-five (25) percent of its length Iongitudinal from the center, or more than twenty-five (25)
percent of its width fore or aft from the center. In operational configuration the trainer panel shall
not be capable of being overturned by a seventy-five (75) pound horizontal force applied in any
direction at the top of the panel. Dimensions and tolerances.
Dimensions and tolerances not specified shall be as
close as is consistent with the best workmanship practices. Where dimensions and tolerances may
affect interchangeability, operation, or performances of the trainers, they shall be held or limited
accordingly. Bench top construction.
To reduce the possibility of personnel injury due to
contact with high voltages inherent in certain electronic equipment, the trainer bench top, including
any folding extensions, shall be surfaced with a nonconductive material cemented to the bench top
or secured with nonconductive fasteners. The material selected shall be durable, wear resistant,
impervious to moisture, and shall not support combustion. The edges of the bench top shall be
trimmed with a nonmetallic, nonconductive material. The horizontal work surface (bench top) shall
be approximately 36 inches above floor level.
Each major component and subassembly shall be Attachment of components.
attached in a manner that will permit easy and ready access to its interior parts, terminals, and
wiring for complete circuit checking and for removal of component parts. It shall not be necessary
to displace or remove wires, cables, or subassemblies in order to gain access to mounting screws,
terminals, soldered connections, etc. Components which are subject to replacement or servicing
shall not be permanently secured by rivets, welding, or other means which prohibit ready removal.
Detachable sectionalized items shall be mounted in accordance with Parts other than
cutaways shall be attached by conventional means. Clocks, cameras, and other high pilferage items
shall be secured in a manner that will discourage ready removal. Provisions for sectional teardown
and breakaway of major components shall be incorporated in the trainer panels for maintenance
and transportation considerations. Means of attachment of components shall consider safety
engineering factors.
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