| ![]() MlLT81821 Charts.
Where transparencies are not feasible, one (1) set of charts shall be
provided for each trainer or MTS specified in the Detail Specification and delivered prior to, or
concurrently with, the related trainers. The lettering on charts shall be at least one-half (%) inch in
height except for titles which shall beat least one (1) inch in height. Chart
Charts shall be prepared on paper, plastic, cloth, or other
material approved by the Procuring Activity. Electrical, electronic, and other schematic type charts
shall be provided with a clear plastic overlay or be made of a suitable material which will facilitate
temporary marking with a china marking pencil or equivalent.
Charts shall be prepared to conform to one or more of the
following four sizes:
thirty-six (36) inches by forty (40) inches;
thirty-six (36) inches by sixty (60) inches;
thirty-six (36) inches by ninety (90) inches;
thirty-six (36) inches by one hundred twenty (120) inches. Master reproducible charts.
One set of full size master reproducible charts
shall be provided and delivered to the Using Activity or as otherwise directed by the Procuring
Activity concurrently with the delivery of the first set of charts.
When thirty-five (35) mm slides are authorized by the Procuring Slides 35 mm.
Activity and specified in the Detail Specification they shall conform to the requirements of through herein. Slide
A thirty-five (35) mm slide shall be a graphic presentation in
the form of thirty-five (35) mm film mounted in a standard two (2) inch by two (2) inch rigid
mount. Slides shall be prepared for either horizontal or vertical projection, depending on the
material to be presented. However, horizontal projection is preferred. Slide mounts shall be
appropriately marked to indicate top and front side to facilitate projector loading. Slide type style.
LeRoy, Wrico, Press-Type, DECA-DRY, or other mechanical
lettering of simiIar size and style may be used where typeset is not practical. Typed copy on
thirty-five (35) mm slides shall be either by typeset or office composing machines of like quality.
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