| MlLT81821
The smallest letter (or symbol) height shall beat least three Slide type size.
percent (3%) of the shortest dimension of the artwork, photograph or other material prepared for
Eight (8) inch by twelve (12) inch artwork requires
thirty-five (35) mm photography. Example:
one fourth () inch high letters. A single slide shall not contain more than fourteen (14) lines of
type or an equivalent amount of other graphic material, plus a title.
When directed by the Procuring Introductory motion picture film 16 mm.
Activity and specified in the Detail Specification, a sixteen (16) mm sound color motion picture
film shall be prepared to present completely a new maintenance trainer to a viewing audience. The
film will be used for introductory briefings and training. The film shall be a maximum of thirty (30)
minutes duration and shall show the equipment in performance of its design mission; maintenance
views as a part of the overall film are acceptable and desirable. The film should be so designed that
the viewer wilI have a better understanding of the new item.
Titles shall be composed within a standard ten (10) field frame
size and a two (2) field allowance shall be made around all lettering within the field as a safety
When considered essential for a more effective
Film type style and size.
presentation and authorized by the Procuring Activity, style (type face) and size of lettering for
main title, sub-titles, and end title may deviate from standard.
Each reel of film will have the film report number and title Film
marked on the head and foot of the standard leaders.
Negatives and positives for all A/Vs Negatives and positives for Audiovisuals.
shall be free of overall discoloration, local off-color areas, highlight areas, dark shadows, transparent
streaks, reticulation, scratches, stains, surface deposits, mechanical defects, and injuries. Prints shall
be sharp and provide good detail. Black and white reproductions shall be of even density and free of
fog, spots, markings, stains, discolorations, surface deposits, mechanical defects, and injuries. Color coding on Audio/Visuals.
Color coding shall be in accordance with the color
coding used in the applicable official technical manuals. Colored A/Vs shall be evenly illuminated in
light of the correct color temperature for which the film is balanced. The color achieved shall
closely duplicate that of the subject in hue and intensity. Color harmony shall be maintained by the
use of various shades of neutral colors to complement the colors being used to show flow and
component parts. Where dark colors are used to show flow and component parts, lighter neutral
shades shall be used for background and fill-in to ensure the A/V will not be given a drab
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