| ![]() MIL-T-81838(AS)
measured adjacent to each lug shall be 0.020 inches double amplitude and a
minimum average of 0.031 inch double amplitude between the points adjacent to
the lugs and the bottom of the tank at the forward and aft bulkhead. There shall
be no evidence of leakage, failure, or excessive wear. The tank shall then be
pressure checked to the applicable values of paragraph
Method of vibration displacement measurement - An
electronic vibration measuring device whose pickups are permanently mounted
on be tank shall be used to measure the vibration displacement. The average
peak value, at the point being measured, during a 30 second interval shall be
taken as the recorded value.
T e m p e r a t u r e test - The tank shall be dried for one day at
a temperature of 160 5 F. The tank then shall be filled with fluid conforming to
TT-S-735, Type II containing a satisfactory staining agent and shall be cooled to
-65 5F for a period of 3 days. The tank then shall be drained and examined
for any unsatisfactory condition or indication of fluid leakage. If found satisfactory,
the tank shall then be filled with the fluid and subjected to a temperature of
360 5F or a period of 3 days. The tank shall then be drained and examined for
any unsatisfactory condition or indication of fluid leakage. During the temperature
drop, warm up and leak check phase of this test, the tank shall be pressurized at
25 psig. Any leakage shall be considered as a tank failure. All joints, seams,
and fittings shall be covered with brown paper to aid in determining leakage.
Alternate leakage test - In lieu of the method employing a
staining agent and brown paper, the leakage test may be conducted by using test
fluid in accordance with TT-S-735, Type II containing a fluorescent dye and
examining the exterior surface of the tank with an ultraviolet lamp.
115% load test - Static loads equal to 115% of the design
limit loads shall be applied to the tank without permanent deformation or failure.
Each of figures 3 through 6 show the applied loads at 115% design limit load.
Figures 3 through 6 are attached hereto.
1 5 0 % load test - Following the completion of the tests
specified in paragraph 4.6.6, the tank shall be subjected to 150% of the design
limit loads for the conditions specified in figures 3 through 6. The 150% design
limit load values for the figure 6 condition are shown. The 150% values must be
determined for the conditions shown in figures 3 through 5. The 150% design limit
load static test shall be accomplished without a tank failure.
F o r c e ejection - The tank shall withstand one release from
the AERO-7A bomb rack without being ruptured. The tank shall be full during thiS
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