| ![]() MIL-T-81838 (AS)
test with an equivalent amount of water to simulate a tank filled with JP-5 fuel,
The ejection mechanism will be provided by the Naval Air Systems Command,
(JP-5 fuel is 6.8#/GAL)
Welding inspection - The following inspection and acceptance
criteria are applicable.
X-Ray inspection - X-Ray inspection shall be performed on
a 5 percent sample basis. The sample shall be based upon the number of tanks to
be furnished on each lot and shall be representative of the entire production lot.
Failure of the sample to comply with the weld acceptance criteria of this contract
shall result in rejection of all welds until the contractor has demonstrated to the
local government authority that the failure condition has been corrected. In the
event the contractor cannot propose a procedure satisfactcry to the local govern-
ment authority to correct the failure condition, the local government authority
shall invoke 100% X-Ray inspection. Negatives of the welds shall be forwarded
with the first article test report.
D y e penetrant inspection - A dye penetrant inspection shall
be performed on all welds of each tank.
Defects - Cracks, lack of fusion, and incomplete weld
penetration in any form are unacceptable. Unless otherwise specified, the dimen-
sion "T" is defined as the nominal parent metal thickness of the thinnest joint
Porosity and inclusions - For the purposes of this specifica-
tion, the diameter of any porosity cavity shall be defined as its largest dimension.
Interconnected porosity shall be considered a single cavity. Inclusions, either
tungsten or nonmetallic, shall be subject to the same dimensional limitations as
porosity. When both inclusions and porosity are present, the sum of their areas
shall fall within the limitations defined for porosity (either total or aligned, as
E x t e r n a l defects
- The following external defects are
(a) Cracks shall not be acceptable in the weld metal or
adjacent base metal. Cracks occurring in the weld bead reinforcement area (mot
and face) may be removed.
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