| ![]() MIL-T-83808
for compliance All items must meet all requirements of sections 3 and 5. The
inspection set forth in this specification shall become a part of the contractor's overall inspection system
or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the specification shall not relieve the
contractor of the responsibility of assuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for
acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling in quality conformance does not
authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the
Government to acceptance of defective material.
A c c e p t a n c e . All vehicles shall be inspected 100 percent for the acceptance tests specified
herein at final inspection and all applicable requirements which would affect the form, fit or function of the
ction. If the DCASMA finds 35 or more minor deficiencies or four or more
major deficiencies during the initial inspection of 25 vehicles, prior to acceptance, the ACO will notify the
contractor that no more vehicles shall be inspected until the causes of the deficiencies are determined
and that adequate corrective action has been taken by the contractor to preclude recurrence. The same
criteria shall be used during the acceptance inspection of each 25 vehicle lot. Acceptance inspections
shall stop if 35 or more minor deficiencies or 4 or more major deficiencies are identified. The ACO shall
give a cure notice to the contractor that the government reserves the right and may exercise that right to
terminate the contract after a second 25 vehicle lot fails to meet the production/acceptance inspection
criteria. Major deficiencies are considered to be those deficiencies affecting the safe, effective operation
of the vehicle. Minor deficiencies are strictly cosmetic type defects
Classification of tests. The inspection and testing of the vehicle shall be classified as follows
a First article testing (see 44 and 6.2.1).
b Acceptance testing (see 4 5)
Test cond itions.
Apparatus. Apparatus used in conjunction with the testing specified herein shall be of labora-
tory precision type and shall be calibrated at proper intervals to ensure laboratory accuracy
D a t a During all testing specified herein, at least the following data, unless not applicable,
shall be recorded at intervals not to exceed 30 minutes Additional data and/or shorter intervals shall be
provided as appropriate for any specific test.
Time started.
Time finished.
Ambient temperature
Engine speed
Engine coolant temperature
Transmission oil temperature
Vehicle odometer reading at the start and finish of each test.
Engine hourmeter reading at the start and finish of each test
Hydraulic fluid pressure at the pump outlet
Hydraulic fluid temperature in the reservoir.
Preparation for tests. The vehicle, equipped with all specified auxiliary equipment shall be
fully serviced and all equipment shall be prepared for immediate operation
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