| ![]() MILT8504B
4.3.3 Sampling plan A for chemical tests. A sample consisting of not less than 2 ounces
of material (see 3.1) shall be selected and prepared in accordance with method 111 of
112 of FEDSTD151. Waiver of samples for check chemical analysis. Samples for check chemical
analysis may be waived, provided all of the material under inspection can be identified
as being made from a heat previously analyzed and found to conform to the chemical
composition specified herein. Analysis. Analysis shall be by method lll or ll2 of FEDSTDl5l. In the event of
dispute, analysis shall be by method lll.
4.3.4 Sampling plan B for grain size. One specimen shall be selected to represent each
lot of tubing. Average grain size. Specimens shall be prepared and tested in accordance with
method 311 of FEDSTDl51. In the event of doubt concerning grain size as
determined by comparison with the grain size chart of method 311, the Heyn Intercept
method of ASTM E 112 shall be used. The average grain size shall be the average of
five fields of view on each specimen.
4.3.5 Sampling plan C for mechanical properties. Two samples shall be selected to
represent each 2000 feet of tubing of each lot up to 5000 feet, and two additional
samples from each additional 5000 feet of the lot. Fulltube specimens. Samples shall be tested as fulltube specimens with a test
section of not less than 6 inches between plugs, as required by figure 1, method 211 of
FEDSTD151, entitled, "Metal Plugs Used for Testing Tubing, Location of Plugs in
Tubular Specimen, and Proper Location of Specimens in Heads of Testing Machine." In
larger diameters of tubing, type T1 or T2 specimens may be used. Tests shall comply
with the applicable requirements of method 211 of FEDSTD151.
4.3.6 Sampling plan D for flaring test. One end of each tube or specimen cut therefrom
shall be flared by spinning or by forcing axially over a tapered pin, except that not less
than 13 samples from each lot, or one from each tube comprising lots of less than 13,
shall be tested by the latter method. For flare test without spinning, the specimen shall
be 1 inch or 1.5 diameters in length. Flaring the ends of each specimen. The end of each specimen to be flared
without spinning shall be cut square, with the cut end smooth and free from burrs but
the corners not rounded. The specimen shall at room temperature, be forced axially by
steady pressure over a hardened and polished tapered steel pin to produce the tubing
flare configuration specified by MS33584. Both the tube and pin shall be clean and dry
during the flaring operation. Surfaces of flares shall be examined at magnification of 3
diameters for freedom from cracks and other defects. Removal of flare. Removal of the flare portion after inspection and prior to
shipping is optional, unless otherwise specified.
4.3.7 Sampling plan E for flattening test. Specimens 1 inch or more in length shall be
cut from sample tubing selected in accordance with table V
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