| ![]() MIL-T-85395(AS)
A 220 10 volts, 50 10 Hz power source (for operation of battery
charging circuit also).
3.3.5 Electromagnetic interference suppression. The test set is intended to
function properly and survive without degradation or damage to interior
component parts when subjected to electromagnetic environments existing on
In addition, electromagnetic radiation and
flight decks of aircraft carriers.
susceptibility requirements of MIL-STD-461 shall be met except as specified in and
Narrowband conducted emissions to the video receiving antenna CE06.
may exceed the specification limits by not more than 4 db at 3 Foc and 3 db at
is the RF frequency of the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)
which generates the command signal when either S1 or S2 is depressed. RE02.
The test set shall meet all the requirements for RE02 steady
Extension of RE02 limits for switching transients due to activation of
S1 and S2 shall be 12 db at 40 to 60 MHz for S2 and 10 db at 170 to 190 MHz
for S1 when the plain shroud is attached; and, shall be 6 db at 260 to 280 MHz
for S2 and 12 db at 40 to 60 MHz for S1 when EMCON shroud is attached.
3.3.6 Test set case dimensions.
The dimensions of the test set case shall be
as follows:
Length - 22-1/2 inches (57.2 cm)
Width - 19 inches
(48.3 cm)
- 13-1/2 inches (34.3 cm)
The total weight of the test set, including cables shall be
3.3.7 Weight.
not greater than 40 pounds (18.144 kgs).
3.3.8 Color and finish.
The color and finish of the test set shall be in
accordance with DL 910AS100.
3.3.9 Identification plate and item markings. Nomenclature and identi-
fication marking shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130 and as specified in
3.4 Performance. The performance of the test set shall be as specified
herein in add ition to the performance requirements specified in DL 91OAS1OO.
Unless otherwise specified herein, these requirements shall apply under both
standard and extreme service conditions. When reduced performance require-
ments for service conditions are acceptable, such variations will be
3.4.1 Test set functions. The test set shall perform the functions specified
in through WPN TEST switch.
The WPN TEST switch S1 shall energize all active
circuits In the test set to check battery condition, interrogate weapon and
receive weapon RF channel signal.
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