| ![]() MIL-T-85472A(AS)
used on board 1A5A1A3 to remove unwanted positions of the tone multiplexed
Filter 1A5A1A3 FL1 shall be used for the 22 KHz azimuth signal and
filter 1A5A1A3 FL2 shall be used for the 30 KHz elevation signal.
Comparators shall be used to convert the filter outputs to logic level
compatible square waves. Printed wiring board (1A5A1A4). Counting of the azimuth and
elevation frequencies shall be performed on the 1A5A1A4 board. These
guidance signals shall be counted by preset binary up/down counters (preset
to 177 for azimuth and 168 for elevation) and shall be gated every 10 clock
pulses (azimuth) or 12 clock pulses (elevation). This binary output then
In the Phase II data stream,
shall become part of the Phase II data stream.
a logic level one shall be noted by a change of phase during the period.
While there is no change for a logic O, there shall always be a change of
phase at the transition from one bit period to the next. This shall be
accomplished on the 1A5A1A4 board by a J-K Flip Flop and two NOR gates
combining the data stream and the bit rate signal. Printed wiring board (1A5A1A5). To assure the weapon will receive
a command, it shall be necessary for the command to be transmitted for a
minimum of 3 seconds. A multivibrator on the 1A5A1A3 board shall be used to
produce a 3 second minimum transmission time for the VIDEO ON and VIDEO OFF
commands. The 3-second delay to the remaining command signals shall be
generated by two quad timers on the 1A5A1A5 board. Printed wiring board (1A5A1A6). The circuitry on the 1A5A1A6 board
shall supply an adjustable + or - dc voltage to offset the transmitter
These dc voltages shall be selected by the FREQUENCY select switch
1A5S13 on the front panel and passed on to the transmitter via cable W57. The
1A5A1A6 board also converts the binary Phase II data stream into pulses to
modulate the transmitter 1A4TR1 for phase II operation.
3.6.7 Power drawer assembly. The power drawer assembly shall be manufactured
in accordance with DL412AS9000 and shall meet the requirements stated thereon
and specified in through Power Supply Model HP-60155C. The principal functional element of
the power drawer assembly shall be Power Supply Model HP-60155C or equal. For
functional description of the power supply, refer to Instruction Manual for
Power Supply, Hewlett-Packard, Model HP-60155C. The power supply shall meet
the requirements of the manufacturer's specification for Power Supply
HP-60155C. Power functions. The power drawer assembly shall be capable of
controlling all the power circuitry except the 28V dc which shall be supplied
to the data link test drawer from the AN/DSM-96A Test Console.
supplied 115 volt, 60 Hz single phase power shall be applied to all of the
test set assembles except the data link test drawer, via cable assemblies W51
and W53 (see figure 2). The 115V ac shall also be applied to the 115V dc
dc power supply
power supply in the power drawer. The output of the
shall be applied to the data link test drawer for command signal generation
via cable assembly W51. The front panel shall contain the controls and
indicators for the power drawer. ON/OFF switch (S1). This switch shall be a toggle switch which
shall control the 115V, 60 Hz single phase power applied to the test console.
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