| ![]() MIL-T-9720F9(USAF)
4.6.8 Cycle tests. The lift truck shall be subjected to a cycle test
w h i c h c o n s i s t s o f r a i s i n g. a n d l o w e r i n g a c a p a c i t y l o a d t h r o u g h t h e f u l l l i f t
Cradle adjustments shall be
range of the lifting mechanism for 1000 cycles.
actuated, one adjustment to each five lifting cycles. At the end of this
t e s t , evidence of Yield in any components that could in any manner prevent the
lift truck from meeting operational requirements during service life shall be
For the
reason to consider that the lift truck has failed to meet this test.
periodic sampling test, reduce test to 100 cycles.
The lift truck shall be placed on a 20 percent
4.6.9 Service brake test.
The service brakes shall have sufficient
incline and loaded to capacity.
in addition, the service brakes
capacity to hold the vehicle without movement.
shall stop the loaded lift truck traveling at 10 mph within a maximum distance
of 16 feet.
The lift truck shall be placed on a 20 percent
brake test.
4 . 6 . 1 0 Parking
to capacity. Application of the parking brake shall hold
incline and loaded
The rotary by-pass valve shall be in the open
the vehicle without
positiorn for this
The lift truck cradle shall be subjected to a bomb
4.6.11 Attitude test.
a t t i t u d e a d j u s t m e n t test with a 3000 pound simulated bomb mounted on its axis.
The nose of the bomb shall be tilt nose down 5 degrees and up 5 degrees from
horizontal and shall shift laterally 2 3/8 inches either side of center and
l o n g i t u d i n a l l y 2 3/8 inches fore and aft from the center of the bomb table.
The bomb shall rotate about the vertical axis of the bomb table through 360
4.6.13 Failsafe test.
It shall
The cradle shall be raised off the ground.
be demonstrated by causing a h y d r a u l i c f a i l u r e t h a t t h e " F a i l s a f e " f e a t u r e s
The failure shall be simulated
of the main lift mechanisms are functioning.
by disconnecting the return hydraulic line (line to rod end of cylinder) from
The lime shall be disconnected at the counterbalance
one lift cylinder.
There will be a "shifting" of the load as a result of disconnecting
However, after this initial "shift," there shall be no
one lift cylinder.
visible drop In the lift arms.
4.6.13 Manual lift test.
The auxiliary hand pump shall demonstrate that
the lift can be raise or lowered through its range with the engine shut off.
With the engine at maximum operating speed (3.6.2), the
4.6.14 Lift rate.
It shall not require
c r a d l e s h a l l b e r a i s e d from, ground to maximum height.
more than 12 seconds to complete the lift cycle with a 3000 pound load.
4.6.15 Grade test.
The loaded lift truck shall be stopped on a 10 percent
This test
From this position, the lift truck shall climb the slope.
s lope .
shall bc reptated on a 20 percent slope with tile lift truck unloaded.
4 . 6 . 1 6 S p e e d t e s t With the engine at maximum operating speed (3.6.2), the
l i f t t r u c k . small demonstrated a minimum speed of 10 mph loaded.
It shall be demonstrated that the lift truck is
4.6.17 Drive control test.
cable of smoothly accelerating from 0 to 10 mph without evidence of "leaping"
It shall be demonstrated that, from 10 mph, the lift truck will
or "jumping."
This test
come to a smooth controlled stop when the foot pedal is released.
will be performed on a hard level surface.
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