| MIL-U-20625A
acceptance number shall be zero until the
percent with the joint at an angle of 150 de-
acceptable quality level allows one or greater.
grees between the axes of the hubs.
4.2 Lot acceptance inspection and tests.
3.4 Identification marking. Each joint shall
be permanently and legibly marked with the
manufacturer's name, trademark or. symbol
4.2.1 Visual and dimensional examination.
in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-130.
Each of the sample units selected in accord-
ance with 4,1.2 shall be visually and dimen-
3.5 Surface roughness. All nonworking ma-
sionally examined to verify compliance with
chined surfaces shall have 125 microinch
this specification, Any unit in the sample
finish or better, bearing surfaces shall have
containing one or more visual or dimensional
32 microinch finish or better (see 3.2.4).
defects shall be rejected, and if the number
of defective units in any sample exceeds the
acceptance number for that sample, the lot
3.6 Workmanship. Workmanship shall be
represented by the sample shall be rejected.
in accordance with high grade commercial
practice governing this type of material.
Each universal joint shall he uniform in
4.2.2 Tests. Each of the sample joints se-
quality and temper and shall be free from
lected as specified in 4.1.3 shall be subjected
burrs, slivers, gouges, porosity, cracks, ob-
to the tests specified in 4.3 to determine com-
jectionable scale, or any other defects which
pliance with this specification. Any unit in
may adversely affect serviceability.
the sample containing one or more defects
shall be rejected, and if the number of de-
fective units in any sample exceeds the ac-
ceptance number for the sample, the lot
represented by the sample shall be rejected.
4.1 Sampling.
4.2.3 Inspection of marking, packaging,
4.1.1 Lot. All joints of the same class and
and packing. Sample packages shall be se-
size presented at one time shall be consid-
lected in accordance with the sampling plan
ered a lot for purposes of acceptance inspec-
of 4.1.3 for inspection to verify conformance
tion and tests.
to the applicable requirements of Section 5
and the markings required in the contract
4.1.2 Sampling for visual and dimensional
or order.
examination. A random sample of joints shall
be selected from each inspection lot of mate-
4.2.4 Resubmission. Rejected lots may be
rial offered for Government inspection in ac-
resubmitted for inspection tests after being
cordance with Standard MIL-STD-105 at
reworked to correct the defects. Before re-
inspection level III for lots of 110 and under
submitting, full particulars concerning pre-
and inspection level II for lots over 110. The
vious rejections and the action taken to cor-
acceptable quality level shall be equal to 1.5
rect the defects found in the original lot shall
percent defective.
`be furnished the Government inspector.
Joints rejected after retest shall not be re-
4.1.3 Sampling for lot acceptance tests. A
submitted without specific approval of the
random sample of joints shall be selected
bureau or agency concerned.
from each lot offered for Government tests in
accordance with Standard MIL-STD-106 at
4.3 Test procedures.
inspection level I. The acceptable quality level
shall be 1.0 percent defective. However, the
4.3.1 Backlash, The backlash of the joints
sample size shall be the number associated
shall not exceed the amount specified in ta-
with the letter specified for level I, and the
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