| ![]() MIL-U-20625A
fiberboard boxes conforming to Specification
ble IV when the joint is mounted in a test
PPP-B-601, PPP-B-621, PPP-B-585 or the
apparatus with the hubs at 180 degrees,
special requirements of Specifications LLL
B-631 and LLL-B-636, respectively. The
4.3.2 Torque. The joint shall be subjected
gross weight of wood or wood cleated boxes
to the torques specified in table II at four or
shall not exceed approximately 200 pounds.
more radial positions of the hub and at the
angles specified. The load shall be sustained
5.2.3 Level C. Universal joints shall be
at each position for 3 minutes.
packed to insure carrier acceptance and safe
delivery to destination at the lowest appli-
cable rate, Containers shall comply with the
Consolidated Freight Classification Rules or
other carrier regulations applicable to the
5.1 Preservation and packaging.
mode of transportation.
5.1.1 Level A. Unless otherwise specified
5.3 Marking. In addition to any special
in the contract or order, class a universal
markings required in the contract or order,
joints shall be cleaned by process C-1 of
marking of the packages and shipping con-
Specification MIL-P-116 and individually
tainers shall be in accordance with Standard
preserved and packaged in accordance with
method I using preservative type P-2. Class
b universal joints shall be packaged in ac-
cordance with method 111 of Specification
6.1 Intended use. Class a universal joints
5.1.2 Level C. The universal joints shall
are intended for general purpose use in me.
be cleaned, preserved and packaged in ac-
chanical remote control systems, Class b
ordance with commercial practice.
joints are intended for use where corrosive
conditions are abnormal or nonmagnetic ma.
terials are required. Class c joints are in-
5.2 Packing,
tended for use where corrosive conditions are
abnormal or high torque requirements are
5.2.1 Level A. Unless otherwise specified in
the contract or order, the universal joints
shall be packed in overseas type, cleated ply-
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents
wood, nailed wood, wirebound or fiberboard
should specify the following:
boxes conforming to Specifications PPP-B-
601, PPP-B-621, PPP-B-585 and JAN-P-
(a) Title, number, and date of this
108, respectively. The containers, except
Specification JAN-P-108 boxes, shall be lined
(b) Class required (see 1.2).
with a sealed case liner conforming to Speci-
fication MIL-L-10547. The gross weight of
(c) Number of each size required; des-
wood or wood cleated boxes shall not exceed
ignated by hub outside diameter
approximately 200 pounds, fiberboard boxes,
(see 3.2.1).
70 pounds.
(d) Whether joints shall be preserved
and packaged in accordance with
5.2.2 Level B, Unless otherwise specified in
the contract or order, universal joints shall
level A or C; packed in accord-
ance with level A, B, or C (see
be packed in domestic type cleated plywood,
nailed wood, wirebound, corrugated or solid
5.1 and 5.2).
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